Loyalty payment


Registered Users (C)

Please don't reply blindly without any support material. My friend just told me his attoney told him the payment it *is* useful. It can be the evidence to so that your publication was requested by other researchers.

I do appreciate your role as a moderator. But please act properly.

pixpax said:

Please don't reply blindly without any support material. My friend just told me his attoney told him the payment it *is* useful. It can be the evidence to so that your publication was requested by other researchers.

I do appreciate your role as a moderator. But please act properly.


Don't take it personally. You didn't put this information in your post. Re-read your post. It doesn't make any sense.

Re-prints are requested all the time. Citations are what is important.

BTW, it Royalty, not loyalty.

leroythelion said:
Don't take it personally. You didn't put this information in your post. Re-read your post. It doesn't make any sense.

Re-prints are requested all the time. Citations are what is important.

BTW, it Royalty, not loyalty.


Thanks for the correction.

I believe most fellows here are those who try to collect every tiny sesame that can support his/her case. For those who have watermelons, they don’t come here. Give you an example, my neighboring colleague’s paper has 1000+ citations. He is also the editor, reviewer of several major journals, recipient of major award. He cannot understand why it is so difficult for people to get GC; why people need to set up forums to talk about this.

I have hired a lawyer and I won’t come here again. Farewell!

Good luck to every GC seeker.
pixpax said:

Thanks for the correction.

I believe most fellows here are those who try to collect every tiny sesame that can support his/her case. For those who have watermelons, they don’t come here. Give you an example, my neighboring colleague’s paper has 1000+ citations. He is also the editor, reviewer of several major journals, recipient of major award. He cannot understand why it is so difficult for people to get GC; why people need to set up forums to talk about this.

I have hired a lawyer and I won’t come here again. Farewell!

Good luck to every GC seeker.

It's ok if some people "collect every tiny sesame" but you seems to be angry because people don't agree to your plans. And it is very good to hire a lawyer but the problem with some of them is that they don't know much about science and if yours is saying that royaly payments support your case I have at least some doubts about him. As an evidence you don't have to show that some scientists requested soemthing from you but you have to show that these scientist were influence by your research and that they come from around the world. Royalty payments only show that somebody requested something which won't help you for your case.