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Lottery application: enlisting child without contact?

exactly, the consequences are way too big to perform such thing. we are now discussing perhaps divorce, so I can apply for some visa and my husband (then not a husband) can follow but to be honest that is some procedure I do not wish for and I think that goes way too far.

That actually won't get you off. If you read the instructions, you also have to list step-children, even if you have divorced the parent of the child.

You're considering divorce just so you can enter DV? That is too much. You need to remember that it's a LOTTERY, that your chance of winning is slim. I've been entering the lottery for more than a decade before I got selected.

This, very much.
You're considering divorce just so you can enter DV? That is too much. You need to remember that it's a LOTTERY, that your chance of winning is slim. I've been entering the lottery for more than a decade before I got selected.

no, it is not only for the lotery, we are freelancers and wish to also see that we can invest, overtake of start our own business, so for instance L1 or E2 visa, but it has the same thing.
if I have divorced the father, there are no stepchildren for me. I am not the biological parent, that is my husband, so yes, he has divorced the biological mother, so it remains his child, it is the law.
(if step children remain your step children after divorce the child might end up with 12 parents, if the bio parents get married multiple times :)
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if I have divorced the father, there are no stepchildren for me. I am not the biological parent, that is my husband, so yes, he has divorced the biological mother, so it remains his child, it is the law.
(if step children remain your step children after divorce the child might end up with 12 parents, if the bio parents get married multiple times :)

Read point 14 of the instructions... Your law may not be the same as US law, I'm not sure what that is tbh but presumably even anex-stepchild has some kind of derivative claim, otherwise they wouldn't specify this.

"all living step-children who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date of your
electronic entry, even if you are no longer legally married to the child’s parent, and even if
the child does not currently reside with you and/or will not immigrate with you. "

Edit: I did a bit of searching and an ex-step child does not have any immigration benefits. Nevertheless, the rule above is still quite clear, even if the reasoning behind it is a mystery.
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it is the most absurd thing I ever heard and your interpretation is wrong.
if I am not in a marriage, to which children would I be a stepmom?!
if there is no marriage there is no attachment to any children, simple, I can not be a single person with any stepchildren, I think you need to understand the concept of step children.
nevertheless: I was hoping to hear from people with experience on this, preferably with the forms for E and L visa but so far I have only heard suggestions not from personal suggestions, so the thread can be closed.
it is the most absurd thing I ever heard and your interpretation is wrong.
if I am not in a marriage, to which children would I be a stepmom?!
if there is no marriage there is no attachment to any children, simple, I can not be a single person with any stepchildren, I think you need to understand the concept of step children.
nevertheless: I was hoping to hear from people with experience on this, preferably with the forms for E and L visa but so far I have only heard suggestions not from personal suggestions, so the thread can be closed.

Please explain how the extract I quoted from the DV application is wrongly interpreted? It's a direct quote and the wording is as clear as day. Why don't you ask KCC why they want you to list children of former spouses rather than getting pissed off at me for pointing out their instructions?
If you want someone with experience in E and L visa then perhaps you should try posting in the appropriate forum.
As for absurd, I don't think much can hold a candle to the absurdity of the idea of divorcing someone to enter a lottery.
But good luck, you're clearly desperate.
it is the most absurd thing I ever heard and your interpretation is wrong.
if I am not in a marriage, to which children would I be a stepmom?!
if there is no marriage there is no attachment to any children, simple, I can not be a single person with any stepchildren, I think you need to understand the concept of step children.
nevertheless: I was hoping to hear from people with experience on this, preferably with the forms for E and L visa but so far I have only heard suggestions not from personal suggestions, so the thread can be closed.

Wow that is a good display of bad manners. FYI Susie spent time on researching this for you and quoted the exact instructions. There is no interpretation available. The rules are established to catch people like you that think they can fool the system by temporarily divorcing their husband. Your responsibilities to Stepchildren (at least from the US immigration POV) don't evaporate as easily as you seem to think.
Please explain how the extract I quoted from the DV application is wrongly interpreted? It's a direct quote and the wording is as clear as day. Why don't you ask KCC why they want you to list children of former spouses rather than getting pissed off at me for pointing out their instructions?
If you want someone with experience in E and L visa then perhaps you should try posting in the appropriate forum.
As for absurd, I don't think much can hold a candle to the absurdity of the idea of divorcing someone to enter a lottery.
But good luck, you're clearly desperate.


Even if she was rid of the issue, her husband (future ex-husband) would still have the issue no matter what. How could that be seen as a solution?

Even if she was rid of the issue, her husband (future ex-husband) would still have the issue no matter what. How could that be seen as a solution?

Indeed, and that did occur to me, but once I discovered that the person posting in a DV forum somehow expected experiences with E and L visas to be posted without asking for them, I kind of lost interest in pointing out the logical consequences of her proposal.