lost passport, how to prove Physical Presence

Travel Data older than 5 years

Hi, in my case I have all information of travel date for 5 years in and out of USA.
However, I could not have all the older date as I do not keep older passport. N400 requires the all travel info after GC and I have to disclose all those years over 5 years of travel. Somebody said that I need to fill up only for the recent 5 years of travel history and disregard all the older information. Is this the case and how should I fill them up?
Also IRS tax transcript can be issued only up to certain year. How can I get the tax transcript for older years?
You are supposed to list all international travel dates since the GC, but for part 7A and 7B you only count the subset of trips that occurred in the past 5 years (3 years if applying using the 3-year marriage rule). Use your memory, emails, and whatever other information you have to reconstruct the old travel dates. They don't need to be exact.