Lost interest...is it worth waiting


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I am EB3 with May 2003 as PD.....
Is it worth waiting/sticking to the the current job?

I feel exhausted and would like to return back...did not think it could be serious

Please shed some advice for the depressed....
i would say this...i am in a similar situation...though i am in EB2. if you have the ability to use AC21 then try to look for a job with better career path. if you cannot get market rate for your skills..and your current employer is unwilling to give better career options.
i would say its time to look somewhere else and return back.

me personally i am going to give 6-9 more months to see how this thing moves...as far as dates...if it proves to be slow moving..and i see better opportunities else where i might not hesitate to go there.
Give it a little time

Hi danp

I agree with Michael although i wouldnt go as far as 9 months myself. i am in EB2 category and have a EAD and AP until March 2006, 140 cleared in just 9 working days ( i dont know if this is a record). My I485 receipt date is Jan 2005 and they are processing Sept 04 right now. I was almost certain that my case would be cleared by the end of the year when all of us got slammed by this retro stuff. I am a Structural engineer and during this time of the year hiring is not that great and also it is almost holiday season, so i am planning to wait until the end of this year which gives me some time to see how things turn out in the next few bulletins, so that i dont have to get on to this guessing game. I can surely understand the frustration, be your own judge and see if it is worth giving up after all this wait. Can you use AC21 option and jump companies? thats a good option i guess, i see many of them here using it. Try the forum which discusses about AC 21 specifically. Good luck

Thanks to you all guys.
Changing employer is not the concern here...
Career is not the concern here...Career status is Bullshit atleast in US.

Still I have to go through the same mess to get the GC

Is it worth waiting for such a long time?

It is apparent the EB3 with my PD....will take about another 2 years to get to I-485....and then who know how wait to get it approved....
danp said:
I am EB3 with May 2003 as PD.....
Is it worth waiting/sticking to the the current job?

I feel exhausted and would like to return back...did not think it could be serious

Please shed some advice for the depressed....

What will you gain by going back? You think desi employers won't exploit you in India? Can you work 12-14 hours a day for 7 days of the week?
Can you handle the severe pressure and deadlines that desi IT workers operate under? Not to mention the attitude of desi boss and dirty office politics? Would you be willing to make frequent trips abroad of 3-6 months and thus be seperated from your family?
If you currently have a stable job, I suggest you continue here for a year or 2 more.
Hang On

Do not loose hope. Certainly it is not that bad. Good/Bad is relative. Do not make any decisions based on these dates.
parameshwara is correct that you will have to work more in home country than here. but still you are FREE to choose and stay as long as which company you want.
Staying in US is also not going to be so easy. I know a family where only one person is earing (wife + 5 year daughter + 3 son). Life is tough. They are still staying in Apartment (cause you never know when you have to change job) he is working with Desi consultancy company. Company is good but now a days no one gets that good hourly rate. Also sometimes he got project in other city means he has to come only on alternate week ends. He feels that he has seen poverty in back home and he does not want his kids to grow there. He has big motivation to stay here. (his labor is in BackLog Center and he is on 7th year H1B)

Other family same story but atleast his job is STABLE. (his some long relative owns company) He still gets very low pay job (non IT) but he participated in House Lottery Scheme (for lower earning families. it depends on Annual Earning/Total Head Count in family. Condition is you can not sell your house for 30 years, if you do sell you get all your money based on new house appraisal + tax benefit). Atleast now he is staying in his house atleast not wasting his money on rent.

Other family has good house and family business at home country. Also they have own house here. With housing boom, they are cashing out that money and going back. thei plan is to invest that money in safe deposit. Interest earn is enough for their kids education and daily leaving in their home country. So good for them. One day they will get their green card if they want to come back.

As far as it goes with me. I was down last 3 days (as if someone died in my family and future is very dark). Today I am feeling good, I listened to some light music, did some walk alone in the park during office hours (we are expecting our first baby, I do not want to pass on all this job, career, green card tension to my family). Felt nice, I have not lost everything because of these stupid dates. May be I was not that lucky to own house, drive benz, get green card but I am still feel happy and luck with whatever I got. If I take my car windows down, evening breeze is still fresh. My old TV still shows "friends" on TBS with same humor (we are hardcore Friend fan) and it makes us laugh. Phone cards are there to save some cost but there is nothing like talking to family back home than going our for movie. With high Gas price, Electic bill, Insurance Amount everything looks tough. But if my Income/Expense goes in RED then I will go back. No point in wasting my hard earned money on my employer, lawyer and govt. No shame in going back. I will watch some local shows with my school "Friends" or travel in Bombay's over-crowded trains.
In the office I am frustrated with my boss for stealing my credit, on the road I am frustrated with Traffic Jam, with GC I am frustrated with dates...but all this is making too much harm and I am killing my self. To me feeling GOOD is very important than all these things. And it takes just long breath to be happy with small things and move on. What ever we all pursuing, we will get it one day.... which day do not ask... even I do not know.. but I believe that whatever happens there is always something good in it.
Good Luck with you decision.

PS: No one knows on this forum what will happen to these dates. We all are travelling same journey. We have boarded on the train with same destination it is only that Train Driver is gone out to fetch some fuel to start it.
How long BCIS will take to clean their own mess no one knows. I can make Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Take decision when what I think is right time for me.
Thanks you guys for giving me some confidence through the internet.

Right...India is crowded etc etc.....but I was happy over there.

How much do we need monthly and in the bank....so that I can earn some interest and live there

I am planning to switch jobs....too and earn some more......

How much money do we need to go back?

I know this is off topic...but becase of these dates it is all messed up...and changing plans....

Green Card...then citizen...this is all too much for me
damp you give me confidence, you saying that for the dates to reach 2003 will only take 2 years, i am 2001 and almost ready to forget about the gc, and get on with my life look for a wife ( non citizen) and all that.
Do not read forums frequently

I found it helpful not to think about GC. Whenever it came to my mind I use to divert myself into other things - I even picked up an entirely new subject (not related to career). Visit the forums once a month or so, the more you visit the more it is on your mind and more depressed you would become. If reading this forum is a habit, break out of it. Do not bring it up often with others. The more you talk about this the more it would be on your mind.
It took me over 50 months from soup to nuts. The process is actually moving faster now. Cheer up, and hang in there.
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Good Question

danp said:
How much do we need monthly and in the bank....so that I can earn some interest and live there

I am planning to switch jobs....too and earn some more......

How much money do we need to go back?
Well, no one knows "how much is enough"?

I am not CPA but I think that if we put our expenses (current and future) + some buffer (for emergancy), we should get some idea.
Let's start putting some numbers, please correct me if I am missing anything.
[Just now I talked with my mom and my father in law to get some actual numbers]

If you think of staying in any big city in India (e.g. Mumbai)
First Expense is Rent (or Co-op Tax if you own) - Rs.8000 (rent 2 room apartment) monthly
- Rs.4000 (taxes, co-op fees if you own flat)

Kid's Expense(School,Tution,Clothes,Pocket Money) - Rs.1500 (monthly per kid)

Grocessary and Home Expense - Rs.4500
(assumptions Rs100 Daily Vegetables,Milk * 30 = 3000, Rs.150 Gas Monthly, Rs.500 Electric Bill, Rs.500 Cell Phone, 150 New Paper,

Dish Washing Bai - Rs.300
Clothes Washing Bai- Rs.300 (washing machine can save this but check water availibility)

Transport (Train Pass 1st Class) Rs.1200

TOTAL MONTHLY (with one kid and renting famli): 8000 + 1500 + 4500 + 300 + 1200= Rs.16000 (approx.)

Annual Expenses:
Annual School Clothes, Diwali Shopping - Rs.15000
LIC Insurance - Rs.15000
Family Summer Vacation - Rs.10000
Medical Expense (parents,family) - Rs.10000

TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSES: 50000 + 12 * 16000 = 242000

IN USD (1$=44Rs) ==> $110,000

That is your number.... PLEASE FEEL TO ADD OR REMOVE any of my assumptions. TO BE ON SAFE SIDE this number should be rounded on upper side to 125,000 but remember LIFESTYLE is going to be of Indian Medium Family life and also what you earn locally is all together different.
emailraja said:
f*ck the gc. I'm looking for a job in London. job market is booming there.
Current Good IT Markets: UK, AUS, NZ

To be frank after US, I will think about AUS.
In NZ and UK, there is too much problem to be called as Second Class Citizen.
UK,NZ - PR processes are good. Not that long waiting line.
Does not keep with inflation

Your investments need to keep with inflation. Inflation is much higher in India then in US. You need to do your calculations in real returns not nominal (real return = nominal return - inflation). At an annual inflation rate of 5% (which is less than what India has experienced post-independence) your money value would have falled by 50% in 15 years and by 75% (you can buy 1/4 of what you could have bought at the begining) in 30 years.

CD/Bank deposits have a return below 0% in real terms in India most of the time. When you add high return asset classes you have to take into account variance drag on your withdrawal rate.
I have been a silent spectator to this forum. It was interesting reading everyone's views on retrogression.

The retrogression has changed my perception of American Dream.

Is it worth waiting for the GC. How much is too much?
Interesting thread. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. Well, first of all let me tell you what my situation is. I filed labor in 03/2002, and I-485 in EB3 on 08/2003. In April 2005, I had made up my mind to use AC21, buy a house etc..basically get on with my life without worrying about the GC thingi. So I accepted an offer from the client for which I worked, a fortune 100 company, and leave the desi consulting firm, the sponsors of my GC. My joining date was set at June 6th. On June 2nd, as if by miracle, my I-485 got approved..just 4 days BEFORE I was to join the client. Now, I could have dropped the idea of joining as it would have been only 4 days after approvel that I would be changing employers. But I decided to still go ahead and join, again not worrying about the GC thingi and the citizenship thingi.
Unfortunatly my wife, was not approved and then the retro thing kicked in from July. She is still not approved and God knows when she will be. So you see I am with you guys in this, and also not in with you with the retro BS.

Now, it has been more than 3 months since my approval, I have also got the actual GC. But has it made a big ifference in my life ? Actually it has not made any difference. I would have still changed the employer, I would have still bought a house and I would have still got on with my life. Only thing I can say is its in the mind. You may argue, now that I have got the GC, how I can say this. But just because I goit it, I can say this from experience. GC will not change anything. Its all in your mind.

Well, you will ask, so whats his point ? Well, my point is LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT THE GC THNGI!!!! If you can use AC21, use it and change emplyers and LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT THE GC THNGI!!! It will come when it has to come. The more you want it, the more illusive it seems. I was amazed by a poster on this forum who said, "No I am not worried about the career aspect, I just want the GC". It is this kind of attitude I want everyone to avoid. Think about your career, your family and other important things in life. Whereas you may feel GC is the SOLE thing that is important for your career, it is not. LIVE YOUR LIFE. A Citi group ad says "Theres' more to life Than money". I will say "theres more to life and career than GC".

I also know, its easier to preach than practise. But still, I try..........
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good one sertra2002. I know of a friend who is buying a house and making use of ac21. I am also planning on doing the same. 6 months to 485 filling is end of october. But the situation becomes difficult for people who are not able to file 485. They cannot plan things easily.
meranumkabayega said:
good one sertra2002. I know of a friend who is buying a house and making use of ac21. I am also planning on doing the same. 6 months to 485 filling is end of october. But the situation becomes difficult for people who are not able to file 485. They cannot plan things easily.

I agree that for those that have not filed I-485, the situation is more difficult. These folks may have genuine reasons to worry as they cannot use Ac21, thus cannot change employers. For ppl in such situation, I can only suggest a wait and watch option. Also, while they wait, they can do things like contacting senators/congresmen to lobby for passing bills that will ease the retrogression. The dates may look very bleak now, but things cannot become worse from here on in. So look at the bright side of it and hopefully the dates will start moving ahead quickly.
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sertra2002 said:
I agree that for those that have not filed I-485, the situation is more difficult. These folks may have genuine reasons to worry as they cannot use Ac21, thus cannot change employers. For ppl in such situation, I can only suggest a wait and watch option. Also, while they wait, they can do things like contacting senators/congresmen to lobby for passing bills that will ease the retrogression. The dates may look very bleak now, but things cannot become worse from here on in. So look at the bright side of it and hopefully the dates will start moving ahead quickly.
Agree, if you can use AC21 then no worries. I have changed job using AC21 ( and bought a home as well ). If you are being promoted then ask employer to file EB2 labor and once 140 is approved try porting your EB3 PD.

Those who can't use AC21 ( or can't even file 485 ) should follow-up with senators and congressman.