Los Angeles, CA Tracker Statistics!!

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Registered Users (C)
These numbers are based on the sample of people from this forum from: January 2006-Present. (All Days are averages based on mailings!)

Only for the California Service Center and Los Angeles District Office:
MD-Mail Date
CC-Check Cashed
RPN-Received Priority Notice
RFN-Received Fingerprint Notice
RILN-Interview Letter Notice
ROL-Received Oath Letter

Good Estimates for your cases (assuming it is straightforward):
MD->CC:.........5-10 Days (1-2 Weeks from MD)
MD->RPN:......10-21 Days (2-3 Weeks from MD)
MD->RFN:......15-52 Days (3-4 Weeks from MD)
MD->RILN:.....76-91 Days (2-4 Months from MD)
MD->ROL:...148-160 Days (5-6 Months from MD) [Sometimes its about 8months!!]

I hope this helps! I know it helps me to pass the time while I wait, and wait, and wait...ahh you get the idea!

Best Regards,
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I have a question for you. On july 9th I went to my lwyers office and file the papers for citizenship. I am waiting now for fingerprints appointment. you say is from 3 to 4 weeks to get the appointment. Is the appointment usually the fllowing week? I am in Los Angeles... thanks!
You may also want to include the average days/weeks/months from when you mail your application to the date of Fingerprinting.