Looks like there is a pause on rfe generation

Originally posted by wxyzabc2003

From my same post post which you have selectively quoted above:

"The basic point is being lost in the extremely verbose output and large number of replies that are being generated by some members ... " This goes to the same point originally mentioned in my post.


Please get your facts straight. I am not a silent member ... in fact I had been put into the immigrationportal's system only recently (remember the post by someone that people were not able to post messages ... I was one of those people. I was able to log in when the problem was fixed recently ... about 2 weeks back ... even though I have been registered way before that.


I do like the suggestions from Orca and Maverick ... that I have the option to stay away from the posts that I don't like. I guess the enormous wait :( is getting to me. I just thought that it was time for some fat free :) instead of ghee ... and I am spending way too much time here which means that at some point of time, I read everything that is in here. I guess that I should have paid heed to my wife's advice ... that one day, the matrix would suck me in. Well ... I am out of the matrix now.

I did not mean to offend anyone and if I did, sorry.

Good luck everyone on there pending GC's. I hope everyone gets there's pretty soon.


I reject your claim that this forum needs to be fat free! You never know what helps people and make this forum worth their while!

What ever you say makes sense. No one is blaming you for not registering earlier or not being able to register. The point is to discuss anything related to 485 process. And people like Ghee, Orca, Sankrit contribute awefully lot.

Like you said that you read every post here.. there are 100s of people who like to read all the posts just for the heck of it and even if they do not have in-depth knowledge and still enjoy and get support. This is what this forum provides; support along with knowledge. As long as people are posting in this forum this forum is interesting and provides support and connects with people in the same situation. So, just a request, please refrain from posting messages against anyone in this forum. However, you may critisize anyone's point of view to your heart's content.This forum does not need nor it should be fat free!

May be the so called "fat" stands this forum apart from tons of other forum online which only get couple messages in a day and only 10s of people reading and getting support on the daily baisis.

Even though I'm not Ghee, it still offended me to see the message from you. Hope you understand the point and do not treat this message as my negativity towards y'self.

Originally posted by wxyzabc2003

From my same post post which you have selectively quoted above:

"The basic point is being lost in the extremely verbose output and large number of replies that are being generated by some members ... " This goes to the same point originally mentioned in my post.

Hey man of few words,

I do not mind you accusing me of being inebriated with my own verbosity, but I wish you took a moment to verify the facts before throwing the accusation. Perhaps I can induce you to count the words and see who is the more verbose in this thread?

I guess you want to dish it out but cannot take it when you are on the receiving end?:D :D

P.S.: Never mind; welcome to the forum. No point being too eager to get into an argument from the get go. Believe me, there will be enough of those in due course.
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Here he(she) goes off again. Can't help to write back. Others, please accept

my apologies, this guy is making all of us ashamed.

Originally posted by wxyzabc2003:

.... I just thought that it was time for some fat free instead of ghee ... and I am spending way too much time here which means that at some point of time, I read everything that is in here. I guess that I should have paid heed to my wife's.......

Looks like he is writing as he is hiding inside "saree". He will start talking about his "in-laws" next time.
Better than hiding inside a mini-skirt like you are doing ... at least reduce some ghee so that it looks appropriate.
Originally posted by wxyzabc2003
Better than hiding inside a mini-skirt like you are doing ....

Hey, that sounds interesting! Maybe somebody could provide some tips on how to get there!:p :p :p :p

P.S.: Question for funkyjunky: Is lewd and lascivious conduct prohibited under the agreement we signed when we registered for this board?
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"Looks like he is writing as he is hiding inside "saree". He will start talking about his "in-laws" next time"

I guess this was the time when the issue about lewdness and lasciviousness should have been raised :)
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Originally posted by wxyzabc2003
"Looks like he is writing as he is hiding inside "saree". He will start talking about his "in-laws" next time"

I guess this was the time when the issue about lewdness and lasciviousness should have been raised :)

I was talking about myself, man. Am merely trying to get a laugh out of this whole sordid mess. Lighten up and move on.
Can we stop this verbal now !!! If we say anything more some people will boycott the forum. Then we might have to move heaven and earth to bring them back.

Just kidding !!!
you have never seen pure ghee!

Originally posted by wxyzabc2003

"Better than hiding inside a mini-skirt like you are doing ... at least reduce some ghee so that it looks appropriate."

Still thinks ghee comes from only one source?!

Attack on someone's name is not what we do here, again, everyone on the board has already suggested - "bug off" and get the hell out of here if you don't like this forum. Re-read if you don't get it.
Re: you have never seen pure ghee!

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
Originally posted by wxyzabc2003

"bug off" and get the hell out of here if you don't like this forum. Re-read if you don't get it.

Not withstanding the oxymoron in your post above ("bug off" and get the hell out of here) , I will when you show me the papers for ownership of this forum. Until then, I have a right to respond to your personal posts and frequent the forum.

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You are the only guy in this forum who always posted purely immigration issues and not once tempted to express your openion on non-subject issues that float around here.

It is very inappropriate to comment on someone's name. But we all know that it takes all types of people to make this world. Take it in your stride and move on.

Please continue to do the good work that you are doing on this forum.

Good luck and many regards,

Sometime it gets into your nerve and

surpasses your threshold of tolerance. Simple disagreements are always welcomed, but someone starts attaching name calling like 'ghee this' and 'ghee that' that certainly is trying to get personal with me. I hardly get into argument and I hate to get into this. I suppose I am forgetting the fact that not all who come here and post are truely educated IT professionals, MBAs and so forth. This forum covers vast spectrum, I guess.
Sachdev, sincerely would like to thank you for awakening me. This is what this forum is all about and has been like that as far as I can remember.

Everybody else: as Sankrityayan said: "Lighten up and move on."

Dont forget you are still a junior member respect the senior memebers like Gheewala, maybe you will learn something from him

Re: Sometime it gets into your nerve and

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
surpasses your threshold of tolerance. Simple disagreements are always welcomed, but someone starts attaching name calling like 'ghee this' and 'ghee that' that certainly is trying to get personal with me. I hardly get into argument and I hate to get into this. I suppose I am forgetting the fact that not all who come here and post are truely educated IT professionals, MBAs and so forth. This forum covers vast spectrum, I guess.
Sachdev, sincerely would like to thank you for awakening me. This is what this forum is all about and has been like that as far as I can remember.

Everybody else: as Sankrityayan said: "Lighten up and move on."

Yep ... maybe some are more educated than you.I don't understand how someone could make assumptions on education level based on posts. Based on your oxymoron, I could have surmised something on your education level too but I realized that a few posts are not good enough to identify whether a person is an MBA or in IT.

If you read my original post, I commented on the quality of your posts and never you as a person. Everyone has a right to agree or disagree with that. But sordid outbursts are not exactly the same.

If you don't want to hear ghee this and ghee that than please do not say "saree this" and "saree that". I am glad you are awake now ... so at least you are ready to "Lighten up and move on."

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