Looks like I am one of the last few name change cases still not approved from Aug 99


Registered Users (C)
Looks like quite a few name change cases got approved without getting a rfe and without
filing 140 redo. I am not so lucky and feel that even amongst the unlucky few who got
rfe on June 25/26 atleast their rfe\'s were mailed out and most of them must have recd it
wheras VSC apparently is taking its own sweet time to mail my rfe. I have tried to see
if there is anyone else in the same situation on this board and looks like there is
no one in my position with rfe generated on June 26 and still not mailed out.

I will not be visiting this board for sometime and when I do I will be posting my
approval details. After so long even I have lost interest in my case.
So its time for me to move on and make space for others
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COOL DOWN cool_bandha, it will be nice if stick around with us and NOT LEAVE US all alone by ourself on this board. I think this is our comunity and we get inspiration from each others experiance and some strength to hang in there little bit longer in this furstrating situation.

I request you on behalfof other Netizen to hang around with us.

Hope to see you regularly
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do not loose your hope. I know how you feel.I am also in a similar situation (or even worse). Eventhough INS AVM dsays they mailed out RFE on June 25th, my company has not received it yet. I am getting afraid if it is lost in mail. I will wait for few more days and then call VSC to get details. Whole situation looks hopeless.
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cool_bandha : I am in the same situation as you and can understand the frustations. I know a lots of people who applied about the same time same company, same category ... and have gotten approvals in March/ April and I am stuck for reasons I do not know, after sitting on my case for so long instead of approving they have asked for further info and it has not been mailed since the last 4 weeks.
So hang on be a little more patient and we will get theu this (hopefully soon!)
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COOL_BANDHA, i know how you feel. I will get same feeling atleast once in a week. Hopefully our nightmares will end soon.

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My RFE was requested by a super smart iio on 6/18/01, it is now even printed out. Hang on there!!!
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I am also in the same situation as you are. Although I have not been issued RFE , I am still waiting for approval since June 19,2001.
after my case was released from Hold.
