Looks Like AVM updated with approvals from 05/22

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I mean to say , yesterday night AVM updated with recent approvals. My case is approved as per AVM. I just chceked.
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That\'s pretty Good Sanath. Congrats..
Best Wishes.
Yes, I think there was pretty heavy updates yesterday since we too were checking the AVM for a very long time and everyt time it
was either engaged or no AVM at all or some tone used to come saynig line busy blah blah... But so far for us no updates..
It still says the same things.. Case received on so.. so.. and will take about 979...999 days blah blah...
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same here...I just checked the AVM but no update on my case...natasha , can you please post your case details..when did u do your FP..I stronly believe that FP
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rangaraom, you are right in a way, considering FP dates. I am sure you should get your between now and week days.Good Luck.