Looking for Prospective Employer


Registered Users (C)
I am looking for an prospective Employer who could process my Labour as future employee or if somebody has an approved labour cert which can be used for my profile. I am a Systems Engineer with 6yrs experience. I am more keen to apply from states which takes less time to approve. Please contact me at


and we can talk further.

Also i want to ask the user group if anybody got his labor or GC approved by filling as an future employee
what is the sucess rate ?

I am also looking


I am also looking for a prospective company with that has a matching pre-approved labor. I can bring my client with me. I have a stable long-term contract with a reputed company in a safe industry.

please let me know if you could recommend someone. thanks for all your help,

my email id is: zip_zapzoom@yahoo.com or you could respond in this forum.

You can aply for future employment. There is no problem with it. GC is only for future employment. MY employer has a branch in delware which might take 4 months to get LC.

Could you please let me know the contact details for the employer in Delaware?

I am looking for an prospective Employer who could process my Labour as future employee or if somebody has an approved labour cert which can be used for my profile. I am a Software Engineer with 6yrs experience, 4 year bachelors degree (non-computer science).

You could reply at laborcert99@yahoo.com
