Looking for job while AOS is pending.


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We all know the job market. Find a job these days is next to impossible and if you look foreigner forget it. Companies are not hiring period. How can we survive in this tough economy. Many desi body shops are closed they make money by sucking our blood and left us in the middle. My employer did the same tto me I will teach him a very hard lesson. I do not care if I have to go back to my country I love it. But I want to try every legal mean to stay few more years in this country but if not not abig deal. But I will make sure this SOB gets what he deserved. he make close to million in past 5-6 years and I think I am the one who get him all the accounts I was working as a front end and he was at the back end. But no big deal I am pissed off becasue he took advantage of me and left me in the middle. My AOS is pending and what if I get an RFE I have no pay stubs and he once again lied and refused to give me paystubs. Remember this company was based in Piscataway, NJ now he hides some where at home and running the operation from home and POBox. I am sure he may be reading this message.......Man run as much as you can I will make sure your name once again appears of THE START LEDGER. I guarantee you this time he mess with wrong person.