Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World

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Please see and forward to as many as people. I have send this email to Albert and also to NPR radio.

I am regular listening to NPR radio station, especially when driving to Work and I came from India and I was listening to morning edition “Albert Brooks, Searching for Islam's Laugh Track - Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World”.
First of all the movie title or headline is completely wrong and you should know the basic thing that India is not a Muslim Country, it is a secular Country and you has no right to label as Muslim world.
Please make a correction in radio that India is not part of Muslim world. It is insult to Hindu’s like me.
It is the biggest land of Hindus in World. You have no right to label our Country as Muslim World.
You should have done more research on the topic and go to different part of world, if you is looking for topic “Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World”.
More importantly you should look and understand the world geography and understand the culture of region you are going. For that you should have go to Afghanistan or Kuwait or Saudi Arabia or Iran or Iraq there are lot of Muslim Country etc.
A simple Google search for word “Muslim countries in world” could have helped you.
Again India is not part of Muslim world, it is secular country and this topic is insult to Indians.
I request you to change the Title of your movie, I am now trying to send this email to as many as Indian forums I know, so every Indian knows how he as been Insulted by your labeling of our country as “Muslim world”.
Thank You,

Please forward this...........
Of course either you did not watch this film or you did not understand what is this about. Here the meaning of "muslim world" is not confined to a political boundary, but a region where there are many muslims people live. India has more muslim population than any other country in this world (including countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran which are "officially" muslim countries).

Let me give one analogy. USA is a secular country. It also a country where many Christian people live. If someone makes film about "christian world" which is based on USA, will that be insulting for USA people? Then why is so insulting for you with the word "muslim world"?
Please Take a Chill Pill

H1toGCard said:
Please see and forward to as many as people. I have send this email to Albert and also to NPR radio.

I am regular listening to NPR radio station, especially when driving to Work and I came from India and I was listening to morning edition “Albert Brooks, Searching for Islam's Laugh Track - Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World”.
First of all the movie title or headline is completely wrong and you should know the basic thing that India is not a Muslim Country, it is a secular Country and you has no right to label as Muslim world.
Please make a correction in radio that India is not part of Muslim world. It is insult to Hindu’s like me.
It is the biggest land of Hindus in World. You have no right to label our Country as Muslim World.
You should have done more research on the topic and go to different part of world, if you is looking for topic “Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World”.
More importantly you should look and understand the world geography and understand the culture of region you are going. For that you should have go to Afghanistan or Kuwait or Saudi Arabia or Iran or Iraq there are lot of Muslim Country etc.
A simple Google search for word “Muslim countries in world” could have helped you.
Again India is not part of Muslim world, it is secular country and this topic is insult to Indians.
I request you to change the Title of your movie, I am now trying to send this email to as many as Indian forums I know, so every Indian knows how he as been Insulted by your labeling of our country as “Muslim world”.
Thank You,

Please forward this...........

Please watch the movie and read what this is all about before going bonkers or crazy about being labeled a "muslim world" did they mention "Muslim country"? If they did then you have the right to be insulted, but come on, give me a break. What you think when Bangladesh is called a muslim country when it is not? It's all done in laugther and comedy!!! Unfortuately India is in Asia and is surrounded by Muslim countries and has the largest Muslim population. With India opening it's borders and bollywood actors coming to do movies, comments like that should be taken with a grain of salt. Hope you watch the movie and have a good time. Don't get angry, just chill and enjoy.

Thank you,

Hammad Khan. :D
You are no different than white supremacists

First of all, this is not a place to post such an issue. Second, this forum is not an Indian forum. It is a forum for all people regardless of anything. Third, you are talking about Muslims as if they are second or third class people. Your message is considred as an insult to Muslims too. You need to learn how to maintain a dialogue and how to approach such an issue without hurting other people's feelings.

You need to wake up and understand that you live in America. If you have a personal proplem with this movie, then you would need to bring it up somewhere else. It seems to me that you are new to America.

Hope you get the message.
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