Looking at it my tears rolled...

Please do not post this kind of information again

We suffered enough from BCIS and do not want to waste time to read this kind of posts.
My Qn.

I don't think anyone was better off under Sadam. And there was no reason he wanted to try capturing Kuwait. Wait... You came to the US. Why? Were you looking for a greater place to live? Why didn't you live in India or anywhere where you were born. A basic qn of humar race is improving human values. It may not happen for us but may be for our children and for future generations. In a war, damages are expected more than what you expect in a religious clash in Gujarath. The good does not come that easily. We regret for what happened to the innocents like these children. What we should think is what we can do to help rebuild Iraq and liberate the people. If you can find a solution to liberate people from Saddam's oppression without war then you are God. If you can find a solution to process these backlogs of our cases you are welcome to my home for a dinner.

Sorry. I am conservative.
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If you can't bear the light of truth, close your eyes. Don't ask other to ignore reality. All this guy did was post a link to some reality and you guys are all up in arms.

140seekerJune, if you really think it was all about the people of Iraq, then you are definitely living in a world of disillusion. Whatever happened to the people of Tibet and all you care is Kuwait because it has OIL. The truth is half the world lives in worst conditions that people of Sadam's Iraq. I am not advocating for his rule, but this is the truth. It is easy for you sitting in an air-conditioned room and preach about collateral damages of a war. You would understand the pain only if you had the first hand experience, though I hope and pray nothing of that sort happens to you. Don't take me wrong. Anyway this is a never-ending argument and will only make us hate each other. Let's stop it.

Now to your question - Why I came to US. The answer is simple and honest - "Money" - the Mighty dollar. I did not come here for any human values, or crap like that. I could have a better life in India if I made even half of what I make here.