Look out, New FP Batch


Registered Users (C)
After a long drought, we just see helper007 received his FP notice. According to past experiences, it may portend the start of a FP notice batch.

For those who get FP notice at the beginning of a batch, the lead time between the mailed and the scheduled dates is usually very short.
All the FP waiters: please keep checking your mailbox diligently and don\'t take vacation in near future -- if you do like to finish your AOS as soon as possible.

One more thing: if the ASC doesn\'t complain, you can try to do your FP ahead of the scheduled date. It may help nothing to expedite your case but do provide 2nd chance if your FP result is rejected by FBI.
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does any one know for how many months they issue. how is the trend, my Receipt date is 26th april will I be getting in next month or so.
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The last FP batch started at mid-January and lasted for 2+ months.
Most people with ND from 10/2000 to mid-3/2001 (covering 5 and half months) received their FP notices in that period. Then there has been no FP notice for 3 months.

CSC usually mails out FP notices just roughly following the ND order. Sometimes the people with late ND may get their notices earlier than the old NDers.
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If the scale of new FP batch is the same as that of last one, most (I would like to say "all") people filed 485 in April and May will get their notices.

But INS doesn\'t handle cases orderly so that there are always some exceptions. Just close our fingers tightly.
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Thanks for the information, I hope i get with this batch to avoid further delay.
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Applicant Service Center.

In most cases, FP is taken in ASC instead of an INS office.
The FP notice will specify the location where you should go.