Longest wait thread


New Member
How many years have you been in this country?
How many years have you been waiting for the GC?

Mine is
Sep 96 = 9 years.
Dec 98 = 7 years.

I'm sure there are many of you who have been waiting longer. Just knowing about you will make my wait seem less painful....
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E bhai.. pehle apne dil ko thaam le... Ready ?

Waiting since July 1988 ....

I knew that... you will go "behosh"! :D

emailraja said:
How many years have you been in this country?
How many years have you been waiting for the GC?

Mine is
Sep 96 = 9 years.
Dec 98 = 7 years.

I'm sure there are many of you who have been waiting longer. Just knowing about you will make my wait seem less painful....
Akbari since 1988

Give more details.
Guys please post since when you are waiting for a particular approval.
Its not INS's fault if you came in 1999 switched jobs 10 times and finally filed I485 in 2003 dec. INS is only responsible for the wait from Dec 2003.

BTW those are my details.

I485 - Dec 2003
PD - June 1999.
Its not INS's fault...

Looks like he's been waiting a long time. Probably underground in some sort of a nuclear bunker. They changed the name to USCIS a while ago. Does daylight hurt?
Came in Aug 1997

First GC filed in 99, Second in 01, Third in June 02

Most of the people stuck in Name Check have been here for a long time. Even though the reverse case need not be necessarily true.
Query for Mette

Hi Mette
My RD is also Apr 2003 and approval is delayed due to Name Check. Could you let me know how you came to know Name Check is finally ready. Did VSC tell you ? FBI is no longer responding to Name Check queries.

Appreciate your response.

Cheers !
Honoured USA 2002 and applied for GC with Subst LC PD April 2001.
Now the date is current and I am waiting... The end
Winny1971, yes, I've called Vermont on January 9, they told me that they've got everything they need including my namecheck - and that my case is with adjudicator. Then I've got a response to my USCIS status inquiry - they said that my case is under review. Since then - silence :( :( No LUD changes, nothing...