List Of RFE responders, the latest


Registered Users (C)
Name RFE Received by VSC Status
gentrig 12/28/01 Waiting
alndian 12/26/01 Waiting
Tarkan 12/14/01 Waiting
sosvcs 12/13/01 Waiting
roger1234 01/16/02 Approved (1/31/02)
stiger 02/01/02 Waiting
sgc 11/29/01 Waiting
485200 10/18/01 Approved (1/23/02)
tmb_pd99 12/12/01 Waiting
G V 12/07/01 Waiting
GPV96 10/22/01 Waiting
nandy madhavi 10/23/01 Waiting
water1 1/28/02 Waiting
485runner 2/4/02 Waiting

I have a question

When you reply the RFE, do you use Fedex or do you have to use the
envelope that INS provided ?

I\'m waiting for my RFE, I\'ll be in the list soon...

Name RFE Received by VSC Status
gentrig 12/28/01 Waiting
alndian 12/26/01 Waiting
Tarkan 12/14/01 Waiting
sosvcs 12/13/01 Waiting
roger1234 01/16/02 Approved (1/31/02)
stiger 02/01/02 Waiting
sgc 11/29/01 Waiting
485200 10/18/01 Approved (1/23/02)
tmb_pd99 12/12/01 Waiting
G V 12/07/01 Waiting
GPV96 10/22/01 Waiting
nandy madhavi 10/23/01 Waiting
water1 1/28/02 Waiting
485runner 2/4/02 Waiting
indu 11/29/01 Approved (02/5/02)
saby 11/15/01 Waiting


I assume you do not have a lawyer.... If you do, then you only provide info. back to your lawyer and they will tak care of it. If you do not have a lawyer, then yes, you need to use the envelope they provide but you can definitely use FeDex to send it back and put the INs envelope in the FeDex package.

Thanks roger1234 !

I have a lawyer from my company, but I don\'t trust the ability of
this lawyer, He messes things up all the time.

I heard that if you don\'t use INS envelope, your case might be delayed
because the difficulties of matching your RFE with your original case.

Lawyers like to use Fedex all the time.
Spouse RFE Approved on 02/04/02, RFE recd by INS on 10/23/01

Yesterday i checked the AVM, It says it was approved on 02/04/02.
ND 06/12/01, Primary approved on 08/15/01. Both filed together.

I thank everyone participating in this site. Special thanks to Rajiv Khanna.
include me too

RFE Issued Date 12/31/2001 and RFE Recieved Date @INS 01/16/2002 for Tax Returns , W2 and Earning Statements.
I responded to my RFE response by myself

But I send just the notice along with the requested documents. My lawyers didn\'t send me the envelope. But my AVM got updated the very next day saying that they have recieved my response.

I used fedex to send my response.
Did INS ask all the Tax Returns, W2 and Earning, or simply said Earning?

Because INS ask me for last two years earning, and my attorney send them pay stubs.
Just for year 2000

INS requested just the Tax returns for the year 2000 and W2 and the earning statements for the past two months. I send them mid Oct 2001 to Jan 2002 earning statements since the RFE was issued on 12/31/2001.
Case has been approved

Tarkan thanks for maitaining the list.

My case has been approved. I heard it on the AVM .

AD : 02/06/2002
Spoke to VSC officer today

It was to our dismay when we spoke to the VSC Officer today! 2 weeks back when we called we were told that it will take 2 more weeks and when we called today after 2 weeks, we were told our case is under review and will take another 30 days! Not sure whats going on with them ...

VSC EB2 ND 12/00 RFE 11/31/01 RFE recd. 12/13/01 AD Waiting...