list of RFE received by BCIS more than two weeks


Registered Users (C)
RFE usually got approval within two weeks when BCIS received your RFE response. If online status shows your response received date is longer than two weeks, please post your info here. if your ref response was recieved in Mar. 2003 or earlier, you might got problem.
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i think mine passed 2-week period

rfe response received: 04/24/2003

this sucks....:mad:
My wife RFE response was recived by BCIS on Mar 10 but still no decision.
RD 8/21/2001

What problem R U talking about
I guess BCIS now processes 04/20~05/05 received date RFE case. If your RFE received date is earlier than that, BCIS might question your response.
RFE answ received on Nov 14!

RFE was about tax returns for the last 2 years
RD is 9/6/2001
Still nothing.

And guess what . . . when i've called IIO she said it will take 540 days from Nov 14th :))))

I think i will retire before i get the greencard.
Originally posted by Dear_Frank
I guess BCIS now processes 04/20~05/05 received date RFE case. If your RFE received date is earlier than that, BCIS might question your response.

i hope you are right... :(
RFE recv'd by BCIS on April 21, still waiting

My RFE was recv'd by BCIS on April 21 and I am still waiting. I feel something must be wrong with my case. If BCIS questions your RFE, What do they do? Send you a second RFE? or just leave the case aside (to the supervisor to decide maybe? ). I am worried.
Re: RFE recv'd by BCIS on April 21, still waiting

Originally posted by naixindeng
My RFE was recv'd by BCIS on April 21 and I am still waiting. I feel something must be wrong with my case. If BCIS questions your RFE, What do they do? Send you a second RFE? or just leave the case aside (to the supervisor to decide maybe? ). I am worried.

same feeling here... but i think 'nai xin' is the key in this waiting game... :cool:
Don't scare people..

Approval after RFE Receipt depends heavily on individual IIO.
There are enough cases to prove that RFE case would be aproved without 2nd RFE or interview even if your case has taken longer than 3 weeks since RFE receipt.

Don't infer anything based on 2-3 cases.

- Phaedrus
RFE 3/10/03
RFE Rcvd 4/21/03
Aproved 5/1/03
RD 11/23/01
another way to check whether your feeling is good or not is to track 100 filing case before and after your receitp number. For ex. if your receipt nuber is EAC-02-055-53200, check the case status from EAC-02-055-53100 to EAC-02-055-53300 to see how many 485 case left untouched(neigher approval nor RFE/transfer) and how many RFE left. If most of case eigher approval or transfer, your RFE response might not be accepted by BCIS. If there are some RFE left with response date earlier than yours, you will be fine.

In my case, 16 transfer, 38 approval, 4 untouched, 3 RFE not received, 2 RFE received earlier than mine.
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RFE received on 4/23/2003

still waiting. I am calling BCIS now to see if I can get some kind of explanation. I am not hopeful about IIO of any assistance though.
Talked to IIO

Talked to a slow speaking IIO. She confirmed that they did receive the RFE and the case is now with a clerk. I asked if the clerk makes decision on the case. She said no. The clerk just updates the system when something happens to the case. Like a secretary type of person. She said to call back if I don't hear anything next week. The wait continues :(
The clerk may update the approval status on your case

Since they have already received your RFE and status are updated, it is possible that a decision was made and the clerk is updating it.
it is so close yet so far away

Hi everyone,

I feel GC is so close to me yet so far away to reach. My RFE response was recv'd by BCIS on April 21, and since then I started checking the OnLine status many times a day. Each time I typed in the number, with hope and each time was disappointed.

My wife is correct. I should have listened to her. She warned me not to check the status and forget about the whole thing. "It will come as a surprise" she told me. The more you long for something, the longer waiting you feel you are.

To ease the pain, I even wrote a program to check the online status for me and sent me an email when something changed. I set it to check the status every hour. Later on I change it to check the status randomly, just to give me a feeling of surprise.

GC to me is like looking at a beauty on the stage through binocular: She is so close yet too far to reach!