List of 975-999 AVM messages holders

tt tt

Registered Users (C)
I searched PCEE list and found out that
anatha krishna
tt tt
some some

all of us are in the same boat as 975-999 mesage . I think that in our case the message will suddenly change to processing resumed and then get approved all in a time frame of less than a week.

From the list I cannot see any common reason why our cases have been singled out it EB3 ?

tt tt
One of my co-workers with Sept01 Notice date got approved on
May16, 2002. In his case the message changed only once from
975-999 to approved.

My case is 02-038. I did my FP on March01, 2002.The AVM changed to Resumed in first week Of June. Strange thing is that
the AVM says "On March6, 2002 the result ofFP received and
process Resumed". I guess the case is worked on by INS irrespective of AVM changed to "process resumed".

Another guy from my company with 02-044 did his FP on
March8, 2002 and the AVM changed to Resumed within a week.
It is good to know that I'm not alone. Hope that the processing goes on irrespective of the AVM. Meanwhile another workweek. Lets look forward to some approvals.
In the same boat

AVM has never changed for me too, still 975 - 999 days.

FP: 03/20/2002, San Jose

I hope we will get approvals soon, hopefully by month end.
AVM changed within one week

I might be later in the que, even I am curious of the AVM message. PD -6/17, FP done 07/26, on 07/30 got the AVM stating the 'results fro FP received, processing resumed'. For my wife, it is still 'sent you FP notice on 07/15). there seems no consistency.

AVM Never changed for me too

FP: San Jose May 21 2002

AVM Still says --"On may 17 we have send a notice to appear for Finger print..if 14 days have passed....."

Hope things are fine
WAC 01-294-5XXXX still waiting

Hello tt tt,

I think my case might take longer than most of the Sept 01 RD & ND cases, because my FP done was pretty late comparing others. Here is my details:
PD:02/01 EB3
FP:06/07/02(as of schedule) @ San Diego
AVM never update still 975-999 days
I'm expecting to get approval at the end of Sept02
so we got 3 approvals in 02-03X and 1 RFE

it is safe to assume that INS is looking actively into the 02-035 series. My AVM has not changed and case has not been assigned, was told it will take 2-3 months! anyway I am hopeful that the message not changing most likely means nothing.
In my case even though the fp was done on 3/19, the INS received fp on 4/29, I hope that does not cause any delay in case assignement and approval, it has been over 3 months anyway.
Hi (975-999)'ers



PD : Feb, 2001
RD : 09/19/2001
ND : 10/01/2001
FP : 03/08/2002 (SanJose)

The AVM still says " 975-999 days".

I see so many WAC-02 approvals,does INS give
preference to EB2 over EB3 .

I spoke to an IIO today and she said it will
take 2-3 months before I hear anything.Also, my
case hasn't been assigned to anyone so far
because they haven't received the check
for FP from FBI yet.I called the IIO previously
a couple of times and they never mentioned
it.In fact they said the FP is done.So, when
they said it was done I'm not sure whether they
were referring to my taking the FP at San Jose
"or" whether they have already received it from
FBI.Anyways, I don't get this discrepancy.

Got used to waiting anyway


I did Fp in Apr 04 in san Jose.
Messaged forme is still we mailed you FP notice but in my wife's case it is result of FP rece'd and processing resumed on April12.
I am the primary applicant.
My AVM changed after 7 days of FP

Did my FP at San Jose on 5/3/02
WAC 02 093 xxxxx
ND - 1/23/02

If I remember right we did our FP around the end of march, prob the last day. I think the FP check reached them after 6 wks or so b'cos I remember calling once and the IIO told me that it hadn't come but a couple of weeks later they told me it had come and file was complete. That was probably the end of April. (like tt mentioned)They said that it has to sit on the shelf for 60 days before being assigned.

After that the IIO's have not been very imfomative abt whats happening, nor have I bothered to call that often. I think and hope that IIO info saying it will take 2 to 3 months more is wrong based on the current trends of RFE and Approvals. Looks like they are doing 02-03xx cases.

Its just a wonder how the AVM has not changed at all. I remember an old post here of someone saying that they had even got their approval notice and the AVM was still 999...!!!
Add mine also: WAC-02-041-#####


Message is still same 975-999 days