LIN # Intrigue?


Registered Users (C)
How many LIN numbers exist between (for example) LIN -01-200-0001 and LIN -01-201-0001?? See what I mean?
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there are 5 digits there as programmers(most of us) we are there are 99999 cases :) the most of course.
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For most applications filed at a Service Center, your receipt may look like this: LIN 99 001 50001. In this example, the LIN represents the Nebraska Service Center, where the application was initially received into the electronic system. Cases that are filed at or received by another Service Center but processed at the NSC will generally carry the designation of the originating Service Center:

LIN = Lincoln, Nebraska or NSC
EAC = St. Albans, Vermont or VSC
SRC= Dallas, Texas or TSC
WAC= Laguna Niguel, California or CSC

In the example above:

The 99 represents the fiscal year (October 1, through September 30) in which the case was received.
The 001 represents the computer workday in the fiscal year on which the fee was taken.
The 50001 represents the particular case number.
For cases with particular case numbers starting with a 5, electronic case status information is available (see Finding the Status of Your Case, below). For cases with particular case numbers starting with a 0, you must write to request the status of your case.

check here:

and scroll down to "Your Receipt:"
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100,000 (including 0) cases/day. I think thats a huge number. So whats the problem. Are you worried about running out of numbers?

...and no rk2, i couldn\'t care less. I was interested however in finding out how many cases NSC has in (for example) the 01-201 series before it gets to the 01-202 series...
please post your details

Can you please update with your information.I made this page for easy tracking of how many people are awaiting approval in each Service centers and how many approved with a particular month\'s RD. Thanks