**Likely** September 2002 Interviews Tracker - Chennai Consulate


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Let us track possible interviews in September 2002 at Chennai Consulate.

Please post all your details here.

My case details:

NVC reviewed: June 21st.
NVC sent to consulate: June 27th.
Chennai received: on or before July 5th
( since I got a reply on
july 5th with confirmation)
I got another email from Chennai yesterday
saying that 'my interview likely to be in
i think i will be in this group too

Reviewed 7/5
sent 7/10
chennai emailed me that it will be in september/october. planning to email them again around the 25th to get a better idea. it looks like they may have received an electronic copy.

looking at cptracker.com

august--all cases sent by 6/20
july---all cases sent by 5/15
june ---all cases sent by 4/10

so i am right on the border along with manish , gcard and ML,
hope we make it in september
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I got a possible sept too

I mailed them yesterday, and got a reply indicating possible sept.

my your analysis, we should all get in the borderline-Sept. case. does the consulate apply for visa numbers after this?
hi manish

i dont know what this visa number situation is, the best I can grasp, the consulate takes all cases which have been entered in their computer system by the end of the month and ask for that many visa numbers. This is then granted by department of state following which they announce the list of interviews for the following month

manish did they reply to you september/october or september? i dont think they haev our cases physically yet

i dont think you need local pcc for chennai if you get one from the indian consulate here and you have lived in the us

i am thinking we may both get september 27th since they schedule interview only tuesday-friday, and that will be the last day of the month
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hoping to get september interview

Review done - 07/04
sent to chennai - 07/10

Sent a mail yesterday to chennai but did not get any reply, I would appreciate if some one could forward me email format and the email address.
My email address is reddy136@hotmail.com
hi rekhak,

they said Sept - not sept/october. so I am assuming that's eithe rbecause they have a better handle on timeframes than they had when they replied to you, OR just another person replying :)

Sept 27 seems likely, since we are all the last batch who might get pushed through.

got the PCC from CGNY sometime back, hopefully nothing from local police station would be needed.

drop a line when you get a chance to my email address.
Hi Navraj,

There is no format. I sent like 'My NVC case#
MDR2002XXXXXX. When will I expect the interview
date'. They replied in one line reply
'Likely to be in September'. The email address
is chennaiIV@state.gov. Usually they reply
in one or two days.

Do not ask more than one question at a time.
It seems they reply like 'YES'. Last time I
asked 2 questions. They replied with just 'YES'.
Is it 'YES' for the first question or to the
second one. Their answer is always vague.
Thanks GC1

I actually asked him three questions in one mail, so this time will ask one question at a time and see if I will get a response.
Waiting for september interview.

Case Sent by NVC: July-01-2002

Got reply from Chennai to check back on monday for interview date info.
good news maruthi, navraj(r u same as ML)

Looks like chennai gave interview to mskum whose case was sent from nvc on 6/20, if all people who were sent on 6/20 get august, we should be able to easily make it for september. we will find out on monday, since targetgc, akashvani and defjam also had cases sent on 6/20
TRIANGLE----question for you

how did u find out from chennai consualte when they entered packet three info into their system
I sent email on Jul-4th to chennai

about case status, which was sent on Jul-1-2002 to consulate, I got the response on Jul-5th...so that's just my guess.
august interviews

just checked cp tracker, and people with 6/12 etc as 'case sent to chennai' have got august interviews. hope that we all get a sept interview..
manish even people sent on 6/20

see mskum on cptracker.com

august dates are out on consulate website. we will find out today if the rest of them who were sent on 6/20 have got august........dejfam, targetgc, akashvani
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August dates are published on the chennai
consulate immigration appointments site.

In August, EB interviews start from August 20th
onwards. Will it be the same in September also.
I thought it will start from 15th.

So I may expect interview date after 20th. In that case I can go to India in the second week
of september.
expect them to start from september 17

they may start next month for employment based anywhere after the 17th
I got reply from chennai...

which says " Appt in September ", and by the way I saw the Ist appointment in Aug-02 is on 8th.
looks like all sent from nvc till 6/20 are in august

ours which was sent on 7/10 should be easily in september, even the guys who are sent on 7/17 should be able to get in.

all right manish, ml, navraj.... do you know good hotels in chennai to stay? i am from out of town...would appreciate suggestions....how about medicals ....
Called NVC this morning.
My review was done on 7/10. It took a whole month. Got the same 2-4 weeks reply for sending the case to Chennai.
Hope it goes on 7/17.

Do you think I can make September?
sanjana, I am from Hyderabad

I went twice to Chennai, once stayed in Ranjit close to consulate and once in Picnic close to Railway station. I did not like restaurents in chennai except Picnic so planning to go there again. It was okaish hotel then but I will have to check it out before I book my room there.
How can I request chennai consulate to send my packet 4 to my Hyderabad (India) address, did any one did that before please let me know.