**likely November 2002 Interview Tracker- Chennai Consulate **


Registered Users (C)
Hi I am starting this thread hoping to get Nov. interview.

My case details: EB3
NVC recevied: July 19th.
NVC review completed: ????
Chennai received: ???

So please post details who are around same time or hoping to get Nov. interview.

Originally posted by rkreddy
Hi I am starting this thread hoping to get Nov. interview.

My case details: EB3
NVC recevied: July 19th.
NVC review completed: ????
Chennai received: ???

So please post details who are around same time or hoping to get Nov. interview.


Is there any one who is anticipating for Nov interview. please post the details here so we can all communicate with each other. Looks there are no reviews done to get Nov, is this correct?
Re: Re: **likely November 2002 Interview Tracker- Chennai Consulate **

Hi rkreddy,

I guess you need to wait for atleast another 15 days before people start getting their updates from chennai about their interveiws.

Here are my details:

My case details: EB2, NSC
I-140 Approved: 04/03/02
NVC recevied pkt 3: 07/19/02
NVC review completed: 08/21/02
Chennai received pkt3: ???

I am expecting Nov interview.

Originally posted by rkreddy

Is there any one who is anticipating for Nov interview. please post the details here so we can all communicate with each other. Looks there are no reviews done to get Nov, is this correct?
orginally posted by RaviPK in the I140-->Cp thread

Hi Murali
Looks like we are going for our interview in Nov.
I just called NVC today, and they have not yet mailed my information to chennai, I am assuming they will send it this friday.
Anyway, if they have sent your information on 8/20, you should be able to confirm receipt of information from chennai, just email them at ChennaiIV@state.gov, and give them your case number, they usually respond the next day.

Hey, let us start posting on the possible NOV interview thread started by rkreddy. (I will bump the thread to the top)

Rkreddy, is your review complete?
GetGCNow, any updates from chennai yet?


Originally posted by chad12
hi guys & Gals..
I just called NVC today and found that my case has
been sent to Chennai on Aug 20th and the operator said they sent by DHL courier and it should take around ten days and when i asked how to find the probable interview date they said u can call at this number 91-44-8273040 / 827
the numbers after the slash may be the extn number that what she thinks.. i remember some of guys are talking about sending an email to chennai consulate, is there any particular email address or just the general email contact address

RaviPK, GetGCNow and mothkuri may be yours also might be sent by now. Good Luck


Hi Guys & Gals,

Finally my review is complete today. I just called NVC today morning and they said the review is complete and the Packet will be mailed to Consulate in 2-3 weeks time. So looks like I should be able to make it Nov interview. Please all of you keep posting for likely Nov interview.

My details:
Packet 3 mailed : 06/22/2002
NVC reached : 07/19/2002
Review complete : 08/26/2002
Interview date : ???


Originally posted by chad12
orginally posted by RaviPK in the I140-->Cp thread

Hi Murali
Looks like we are going for our interview in Nov.
I just called NVC today, and they have not yet mailed my information to chennai, I am assuming they will send it this friday.
Anyway, if they have sent your information on 8/20, you should be able to confirm receipt of information from chennai, just email them at ChennaiIV@state.gov, and give them your case number, they usually respond the next day.

Hey, let us start posting on the possible NOV interview thread started by rkreddy. (I will bump the thread to the top)

Rkreddy, is your review complete?
GetGCNow, any updates from chennai yet?


Originally posted by chad12
hi guys & Gals..
I just called NVC today and found that my case has
been sent to Chennai on Aug 20th and the operator said they sent by DHL courier and it should take around ten days and when i asked how to find the probable interview date they said u can call at this number 91-44-8273040 / 827
the numbers after the slash may be the extn number that what she thinks.. i remember some of guys are talking about sending an email to chennai consulate, is there any particular email address or just the general email contact address

RaviPK, GetGCNow and mothkuri may be yours also might be sent by now. Good Luck



I forgot to post the following details:

My case : EB3,CSC
I-140 Approved : 02/20/2002
Chennai received Packet3 :?????

Chennai Interview date

hi guys,
I emailed chennai on Friday 8/23 and till date 8/26 i have not
got any reply I will try to call them tonight and see what happened.

NVC approved case on 8/16

Case sent to Chennai

Hi Murali,

My case has been sent to chennai on 8/20. Looks like are in line for NOV. I will send an email to chennai later this week. Lets be in touch. :)
Congrats rkreddy.....

Congrats rkreddy....
get ready to start your documentation.....


Originally posted by rkreddy
Hi Guys & Gals,

Finally my review is complete today. I just called NVC today morning and they said the review is complete and the Packet will be mailed to Consulate in 2-3 weeks time. So looks like I should be able to make it Nov interview. Please all of you keep posting for likely Nov interview.

My details:
Packet 3 mailed : 06/22/2002
NVC reached : 07/19/2002
Review complete : 08/26/2002
Interview date : ???



Thnxs Ravi.
Now that our (most of us) review's has completed at NVC, do we have some kind of approximate time frame when our Packets reach the consulate. Any info, please update.

NVC received pkt-3 8/12

Any chance that I will make it to the
November interviews at Chennai?
Re: Hi

Hi rkredddy,

From the past posting, usually NVC sends a case to chennai on tuesdays, and I am hoping that both your case and my case would be sent to chennai by the end of this month at the latest.
I am hoping to call NVC next week and check if they have sent my case to chennai.

Lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope there is no problem with the transfer of case details to chennai.


Originally posted by rkreddy
Thnxs Ravi.
Now that our (most of us) review's has completed at NVC, do we have some kind of approximate time frame when our Packets reach the consulate. Any info, please update.

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Re: NVC received pkt-3 8/12

For you to get a November interview, your case should be reviewed by 9/15, and the consulate should receive your case by 9/20 (around those dates). You have more than 4 weeks time before that timeline. I think you have a really good chance for getting November interview.

All the best, and keep checking with NVC every week.


Originally posted by knp
Any chance that I will make it to the
November interviews at Chennai?
Re: Case sent to Chennai

Hi mothkuri/All
yesterday i emailed to chennai and i got a reply from them like this
"We have received the case here.
For Appt status, please check with us in the 2nd week of September. "
So mostly your case is reached too.. :)

Originally posted by mothkuri
Hi Murali,

My case has been sent to chennai on 8/20. Looks like are in line for NOV. I will send an email to chennai later this week. Lets be in touch. :)
Re: Re: Hi

Hi RaviPK,

Thanks for the info. Hopefully we should have some kind of Info by next Tue or Wednesday. Let's post any details as we come across.


Originally posted by RaviPK
Hi rkredddy,

From the past posting, usually NVC sends a case to chennai on tuesdays, and I am hoping that both your case and my case would be sent to chennai by the end of this month at the latest.
I am hoping to call NVC next week and check if they have sent my case to chennai.

Lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope there is no problem with the transfer of case details to chennai.


Re: Re: Case sent to Chennai

hi mothkuri,chad, ravi,reddy
I got a reply today from Chennai, the same thing
"Check back with us in the 2nd week of September..."
So may be we will get November Interviews..

Originally posted by chad12
Hi mothkuri/All
yesterday i emailed to chennai and i got a reply from them like this
"We have received the case here.
For Appt status, please check with us in the 2nd week of September. "
So mostly your case is reached too.. :)

Latest Update from NVC

Hi all,

Just an update from NVC. I called NVC just now and talked to the operator and asked her when will the DHL picks up the packets from NVC and she said the DHL picks up on Fridays. And she said to call back NVC on Friday to see my packet was sent to Chennai with the DHL.

Originally posted by RaviPK
Hi rkredddy,

From the past posting, usually NVC sends a case to chennai on tuesdays, and I am hoping that both your case and my case would be sent to chennai by the end of this month at the latest.
I am hoping to call NVC next week and check if they have sent my case to chennai.

Lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope there is no problem with the transfer of case details to chennai.


Re: Re: Re: Case sent to Chennai

Hi chad,GetGCNow/all,

I received a similar reply from chennai, "check back with us in the 2nd week of Sep".
Also, I have given them my local address to send my P4, for which, they replied "yes, your local address is noted"
I would suggest everybody, provide them with your local address.



Originally posted by GetGCNow
hi mothkuri,chad, ravi,reddy
I got a reply today from Chennai, the same thing
"Check back with us in the 2nd week of September..."
So may be we will get November Interviews..

Re: Case sent to Chennai

Hi mothkuri
by giving the local address, will there be a significant advantage and what address you have kept in your DS-230, By giving the local address the mail time would be reduced i guess is that the only advantage or any thing else..

Originally posted by mothkuri
Hi chad,GetGCNow/all,

I received a similar reply from chennai, "check back with us in the 2nd week of Sep".
Also, I have given them my local address to send my P4, for which, they replied "yes, your local address is noted"
I would suggest everybody, provide them with your local address.


