Likely December Interview !


Registered Users (C)
I am starting a thread for those of us hoping for a December CP Interview at Chennai.
My case has been completed at NVC on Sep12th.(AVM updated on Sep 13th.)
Originally posted by chennaicpseeker
I am starting a thread for those of us hoping for a December CP Interview at Chennai.
My case has been completed at NVC on Sep12th.(AVM updated on Sep 13th.)

I dont know If the Consulate does interviews in DEC for Employment based cases, as they are closed for the most part of the month(last 10 days) due to X'mas holidays. E type interviews are carried out during the last 10 days in every month.

Please clarify.

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Then in that case do we have to wait till Jan 04 ??
I wish we had an option of confirming the same so that we can plan accordingly ..:confused:
Originally posted by chennaicpseeker
Then in that case do we have to wait till Jan 04 ??
I wish we had an option of confirming the same so that we can plan accordingly ..:confused:

Gurus Please comment...
If you look at cptracker, there were sevaral interviews during the dates 12/15 to 12/31.

so there is some hope
Originally posted by chennaicpseeker
Can I expect December Interview,if my case was completed at NVC on Sep 12th ?
Gurus pls comment !

Yes. There is a slim chance for November also.

likely december

My mother's family immigrant case was completed on 8th September too. I expect a December interview for her since the case has not yet (9/16) been sent to Chennai.
Anybody whose case sent to chennai after 9/4

From checking several of the forums, I think the last batch of cases to Chennai, was sent on 9/4. I have not heard about anyone whose case has been sent to Chennai after that.
In that case I would think that for the next batch of cases that reach Chennai, one may get lucky to have a NOV interview :).

Correct me If I am wrong.
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immihelp, how often are cases sent? Is it based on how many get collected or is it an approximate recurring time interval?
What appears to me is that, they send the cases as a batch.
I am not sure about what is the criteria for sending the cases.
However if you take a close look at the RECENT pattern, It can be seen that they have been sending cases (at least to Mumbai, Chennai consulate) every week. usually on TUE,WED or THU s, for the cases that were completed in the previous week. Sometimes they send cases that were completed close to the sending date in the same week. Again, they may be waiting for certain number of cases to be ready, or waiting for a period of time, which I am not sure. In either case I havenot heard about any of the cases that have been sent after 9/4. Experts may comment.
I concur with imihelp on the point that P3 are sent to consulates in batches. Earlier they were sent on WEdnesdays following completion of P3 review. Off late it is pretty much spread between Tues, wed & thurs!
Yes very much there is a 50-50 chance of getting into November interview schedule. Instinct says late november/ early december!

Good news is that as recent as last 2 months suddenly Chennai has started processing 40+ employment category immigrant visas as opposed to 30+ in earlier months. And hence I think late November!
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Originally posted by imihelp
My case was reviewed on 9/9 and was sent to Chennai on 9/17
I think this is the first batch NVC sending to Chennai, after 9/4. Does any body has information otherwise ?.

Divekar, Raju and other experts, do you think I can expect a NOV interview. :)

Popular belief is, 20th of a month is the cut off date for
Chennai consulate. If your case was sent on 09/17, it may
or may not reach the consulate by 20th.

For you December is certain and November is probable.

Originally posted by imihelp
Divekar, Raju - Thanks fellows!

I surely hope it is in NOVEMBER. A few questions for you guys.

Is it the date of reaching the consulate , the only criteria for determinig the interview date ?.

{This is more of a resoning on our part than any certain formula
put out by the Consulate. Look at past history to predict the
future }

Or jus as Divekar mentioned, is it like having certain number of Interviews in each category every month ?. I see in cptracker, cases where the interviews for Employment based cases being scheduled the very next month after reaching Chennai. What do yo guys think of it ?.

{Because they are isolated and very few, it is again my assumption that they are special in some way, like re-calls,
re-schedules etc. Generally all E category are starting from around
19 or 20 of the month and peak around 24 th or 25th }

and also how come there are interviews scheduled during the early part of every month for E- based cases ?. Also is there any preferences for E2 over E3 ?.

{E2s start before E3 }

{my responses}

This info might help

My Case has been sent to Chennai on 26-AUG-2003 and I have not get a chance in OCT list. I called the Customer service @Chennai, they told me that my interview will be in last two weeks of November 03 and also they mentioned all "E" cases will takes place in last two weeks, only some exceptions fall in first two weeks.
i think its starting to make sense


(21st of month -1 > case sent to consulate < 20th of month)


(interview date = 20th - 30th of month + 2)

what do u say guys??

if you check cptracker I think this is true for most cases in Chennai
Dude! You must be a great mathematical programmer explaining a relatively complicated logic in a simple mathematical "if then else" formula.

You are right!~I liked the way you presented the picture!