Likely December 2003 Interview: Mumbai Consulate

Originally posted by sai999
Did you receive your P3 ?

All gurus...
I have sent my P3 document on 13th of October to NVC
now its 31st OCt, and still NVC has not received the packet
(no update on the phone message),
does NVC update message, on receiving the packet immediately or after some days ?

{You would notice the message changing about 10 days after
they receive the packet 4. In your case it should have
changed by now. Just give it few more days and see}

Normally how much time should it take ?

{about 10 days}
I was looking for January interview, Is it still possible ?

{It is still a possiblity, if the review is completed quickly}


{my responses}

Originally posted by vermontcp
wow! I didn't knwo about it!
What needs to get done for this?
Any info. will be great help!
Also,I am the primary applicant ,so do I need to go first and get my interview done? (I guess that's obvious!)
Please let me know in details about this "split-processing" method
Following is my correspondence with Mumbai Cosulate General.
Hope it helps.


Yes, you may complete your interview during July and your wife at a later date.
-----Original Message-----

Subject: RE: Interview Date


My wife is pregnant and MAY NOT BE able to travel for the interview in July 2003.

Is it possible that I can attend the interview in July 2003 and that she does her interview later, say in November 2003, when she is fit to travel?

My case number is BMBxxxxxxxxxxx


As said earlier, Mumbai Consulate may finalize the December 03 Interview dates on 7th November 03.

So, you can send out e-mails to them on 6th November 2003 evening. We should receive some kind of feed-back from them in a day or two.
Mumbai Consulate

How do you correspond with the Mumbai consulate? Is it via email, if yes then can you please give the email address?

December Dates

KD1403 called Mumbai Consulate this morning and was told that dates for all employment based applications have not been finalized yet.

He was told to call back on our Monday Night (India time: Tuesday Morning).

Also I sent them an e-mail clarifying PCC situation and mailing P4 to my India address, I have not received the reply.

God only knows how they are operating over there.
I see a phone number listed on US consulate in Mumbai, but is there a customer services time? I suppose customer service is available 9am to 5pm, isn't it? I am thinking of calling on Monday afternoon as late as possible... I need to finalize air-tickets accordingly...
Octa Viva

The number to dial is


This is the specific no. for Immigrant cases. I was told that we should call this number from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Indian Standard Time.

I don't know whether they break-out for lunch etc. Please post your details as soon as you hear from them

Hope this helps
Packet from consulate

Hi folks

My lawyer received a packet from Mumbai consulate containing case #, DS230 (blank) and some checklist. This is the description of the contents as I have not seen that yet. Case # was emailed by the consulate last week. Mine is AC 140 case.

Is this normal for Mumbai to sent this packet after entering my case? Do I have to re-send this DS230-Part 1? I had sent a completed DS230-Part 1 with my AC 140 application.

Any other correspondence from the consulate from now on till I receive the interview date?

KKulkar - any reply from the consulate to your email? I tried calling them but could not get through. Will keep trying.


Sadly, I have not received any reply from the consulate.

Also my friend tried to call this morning (IST) and he did not get through as well.

I don't know what is their policy for replying and non-replying e-mails.
I couldn't get through the tel number either. Nor did I get any reply to my email that I sent yesterday. My guess is that the consulate will reply to the emails once the dates are finalized in another couple of days... let's hope.
Jan '04 interview most likely

:cool: Guys

I managed to get through to Mumbai Consulate after trying for about 40 minutes. The person I spoke to said that I should very likely expect Jan '04 interview.

Mumbai consulate sent me packet 3 which said that I need PCC from a) local police station and b) regional passport office. I told the person in the consulate that my wife and I are residing in the US and have applied for PCC from Indian Consulate. He said that I should try to get it from the local police station as well and if they refuse then sould get a note from them to that effect.

Will keep you posted.
I had a hard time (45 min) getting through the telphone line too, but in vain. I tried to call up the consulate around 3pm (IST) hoping that they call tell me about Dec interviews... but when I finally got through the line, nobody was answering the phone :-( My guess is that customer service is close by 3pm, if not earlier...

I had also send them an email Friday morning IST, no reply so far :-(
Octa Viva

Hi, I also send them an e-mail yesterday night about the interview date. No response to that yet. They are closed for Veterans day tomorrow. So you bet, we will see our dates on Internet before they respond.

I haven't had any response to my previous mail about P4 mail address change.

I don't know what the heck are they doing!! They are sure treating us like beggers. They know that we will keep trying so they don't care and don't respond.
Re: Jan '04 interview most likely

Originally posted by KAT02
:cool: Guys

I managed to get through to Mumbai Consulate after trying for about 40 minutes. The person I spoke to said that I should very likely expect Jan '04 interview.

Mumbai consulate sent me packet 3 which said that I need PCC from a) local police station and b) regional passport office. I told the person in the consulate that my wife and I are residing in the US and have applied for PCC from Indian Consulate. He said that I should try to get it from the local police station as well and if they refuse then sould get a note from them to that effect.

Will keep you posted.


It is not my intention to contradict what the person in the
Consulate said to you about PCC. However I need to point out
that this is in conflict with the common knowledge.

It is more or less established that if a person is currently
living in US, the PCC for his stay in India should be obtained from
the closest Indian Consulate/Embassy.

Why don't you try and send them an email seeking clarification
on this matter (without referring to your telephonic talk), before you go through the hassle of going to the police stations etc.

Raju595 & KAT02

I agree with Raju595 about PCC scenario. However I would like to caution that you need to have patience dealing with Mumbai Consulate regarding e-mails as well.

This thread posts will show you that they are not even responding to the e-mails now.

I have posed them the same question and asked for clarification but they have not replied back. If I receive the response, then I can forward it to you.
Thanks Raju and kkulkar

In fact I sent Mumbai consulate an email with questions on PCC and other matters while I was trying on the phone - I was not sure of getting through. I am waiting for their reply.

Raju - your point is well taken. In fact I have seen many of your postings where you have clarified this very point. I have also seen Consulate's response to earlier applicants that only US PCC should suffice. I was surprised by the list in the packet and also by the person on the phone asking for local PCC. I was not sure if AC140 applicants have to get it or not. Will wait for the reply to my email.

no response


I have been trying to contact Mumbai consulate by phone, but nobody is answering the phone. I got a welcome message first and then it asked me to wait for assistance and then I could hear the phone ring for 2-3 minutes, until I gave up! Is this typical? Doesn't the consulate answer the phone?

Is there any tel number other than 91-22-2363-7408?
Octa Viva

My experience is that sometimes you have to hold for 7-8 minutes. After 10 minutes, you may hang up.

BTW, I am not calling them anymore. Useless bunch of crappy people. Anyway, we will come to know our dates officially either on Friday or Monday.

Octo Viva, what was the EB Category under which your case was filed for Labor and I-140 petition.

I have checked and confirmed with other 2 guys that if you are E1 and E2 Category, then your interview is 99% scheduled between 10th and 20th. If you are E3, then they schedule you pretty randomly.

If anybody has not yet booked tickets, my suggestion is start blocking them right now. Some Airlines offer 7 days block.
Mine is EB2 category and I just got an email reply from Mumbai consulate confirming my interview on December 1st @ 8.15am!!!!

I can't believe it! I was expecting around end of Dec... but what the heck, now I have to fly in another 3-4 days!!