***Likely*** August 2002 Interviews Tracker - Chennai Consulate

folks consulate says delay in scheduling dates this month

The operator told me that there is a delay in receiving visa numbers from US, so asked me to check on July 22 for date.

I guess every month Chennai requests for numbers around 6-8 and then releases dates on 12-13. This time may be they got delayed due to July 4 holidays.

Maybe this time even cases reached consulate around 20th get august ! we just have to wait.
what is the email address to chennai consulate

i am planning to email them regarding packet four ibstructions, what is the email address and what is the best time to email them, my review was done 7/5/2, not sent yet by nvc
If July 22nd, what time does that leave for tics ?

I am wondering how we could manage the ticketing if the appointment date is given that late. As such they are extremely difficult to get at this time. I hope the consulate folks are sensitive to that.

Has anyone else heard the same July 22nd date ? Also, is it a norm that consulate starts the interviews around 19th of every month for Employment based visas?

Keep fingers Xed guys..

- Akashvani
It is very difficult to plan the trip if we get

interview date around 22nd. I hope this may not be the case because Mumbai is already issuing August dates, hope Chennai also issue date by the end of this week. Did any one else got the same kind of response from chennai please post.

Response from chennai

I got a response from chennai today , asking me to check with them for the interview date in the last week of July.In the previous response they had asked me to check after July 15th. But this time the response is a bit different. So even I doubt if there might be any delay in publishing the interview dates.

Response from Chennai

I had asked for a possible interview date ( my file reached Chennai around the end of May , EB3 ) and the reply I got today was : " Yet to schedule an appointment for you."
Vague answers

As I had reported before, Chennai has been vary vague in giving their answers when you ask them very specifically for an interview date. At least by now Chennai should be having a list on their hand for August Interviews becos they would have requested for visa numbers.

I am not sure what the reason might be for them NOT to give an definite answer especially with most of the EB CASES coming through NVC.

In my case they said to check back next Monday. This was the reply I got on 8th Jul from them.

I totally understand the anxiety for booking tickets, but you know what, its not in our hands and we have to wait. These are some of the minor dis adv we have going for CP. I can bear this becos if you are coming from TSC, CP is a blessing for you...

thanks all for sharing your thoughts
Re: what is the email address to chennai consulate

Sanjna, email address fo chennai consulate is


Originally posted by sanjna
i am planning to email them regarding packet four ibstructions, what is the email address and what is the best time to email them, my review was done 7/5/2, not sent yet by nvc
sanjna, it is better to send pkt 4 instructions after yur case reaches Chennai

I sent my local address a week before my case reached. They replied with a one liner asking me to send the info AFTER the case reaches. Anyway your case will be sent on 07/12 as it takes a week after review.

Folks, on the interview dates, it looks like the dates will be delayed this time due to the visa numbers. man, mumbai already gave dates on 4th ! I guess we have to wait till 22. Anyway it is better to check once next week around 17-18.
Called Chennai Consulate

They asked me to call them back at the end of JUly, what's going on .. is there any delay .... Please clarify Gurus

Cp Tracker : Faizee
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What do you mean by visa numbers?

I don't understand what you meant by "it looks like the dates will be delayed this time due to the visa numbers".

Can you please clarify? Does this have to do with Priority Dates?


visa numbers---they have to get it from washington each month

it is the final numbers of people in employment and family based category that they have to get pre approval from washington. I hope this is the only problem and nothing else and i wish targetgc is right and more people get august dates
Got the Appoinment Date

Yesterday mailed to consulate and got the appoinment date.

consulate reply below.....

Appt - August 29, 2002.
Please wait for a letter to be sent regarding the same.

Customer Service Unit
American Consulate General
220, Anna Salai
Chennai 600006
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congrats faizee !

Didn't they ask you to check back end of july also ?
so have they finally started scheduling now ? pls post your details
Congrats Faizee ... Anybody else got the interview date ?

Anybody else got the interview date ? I am going to call them tonight and find out. Does anyone know the exact time when I can call the chennai consulate to get a response.

hope everybody sent by June 12th from NVC get august interview

Faizees case was sent on June 5 and he got august29. There is one more working day august 30th . I hope everybody who was sent on june 12th by NVC will be scheduled on that day.
Consulate will be closed on 30th August

For Krishna Jayanthi the consulate will be closed and reopens on
3rd september because 2nd september is labour's day.... I think others will get within the 15 to 29 slots... good luck guys...
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Should Aug15th also be a holiday?

That leaves with fewer days in Aug. Maan.. I love working for a consulate.. you can take off Amru and Indy holidays.
congrats fraizee.

Good chennai started scheduling interviews according to the expectation of this weekend. I will call today to find my interview date.