*Light reading* IMAGINE .. (Can it get any worse?)


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As weeks turn into months and months into years, we poor souls, hardened by years of waiting for the green light have morphed into relics of time, shadows of grey on our sideburns, and perhaps on our rational psyche too.

Only if we could end this wait and reach the holy grail .. pure NIRVANA!

We hit the skids .. retrogression ..

Could it get any worse? Well, it could! How? Consider this - a new rule comes around, and GC is treated as first step of a 5-step process to become an immigrant, not retroactive, but for folks in limbo (includes me). Each of the subsequent steps is as cumbersome and time consuming as the current GC process, only slightly more expensive at each consecutive step. This would be akin to telling a 10 mile runner at the 9th milepost - oops, this was actually a double marathon, so could you please ..

Saints, as I grow in years, a very humbling thought crossed my mind .. what if today were the best day of the rest of our lives? What if it were only going to go downhill from here? Are we just going to feel shackled in this quagmire and feel diffident, helpless and drowning?

I don't think I am wise enough to preach or start a new religion - but for now, I will treat this phase as yet another passing phase. Tuning off for a couple weeks .. cheers!