Life after GC !


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Its been 2 years since we got our GC. Life has been okay so far. I just went from wasting my time on to other forums. Life is not that different. GC or Citizenship or H1B, only thing companies care about what have you done for them lately. I must admit that one advantage of GC is that you can show finger to your boss if they exploit you and move on within US.
If you are courageous and don't mind leaving US you can do that on H1B too.
GC just adds some convenience to life.


PS: If you live in SF bay area, check out this site
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silicon valley technology professionals.
You are absolutely correct. Whatever the status you are in, the bottom line is whether you are earning enough money to meet both ends meet.
Dear Friend:

While I may agree with you on the advantages or disadvantages of the GC, for many people in this forum including myself, getting a GC is a matter of securing freedom and attaining stability. Not everyone is fortunate to be able to go from one country to another just to make money, and then to return to one's country of birth with the pockets full. For most of us, there is no going back because where we come from, there are no opportunities, or freedom is at risk. It may be a life or death decision. And then there are some who, like me, are simply running out of time to settle in one place.

The Green Card is a door to freedom and opportunity for growth, not a means to make money or to "add convenience". My own opinion, of course. I respect yours.

MGPY06 said:
Dear Friend:

While I may agree with you on the advantages or disadvantages of the GC, for many people in this forum including myself, getting a GC is a matter of securing freedom and attaining stability. Not everyone is fortunate to be able to go from one country to another just to make money, and then to return to one's country of birth with the pockets full. For most of us, there is no going back because where we come from, there are no opportunities, or freedom is at risk. It may be a life or death decision. And then there are some who, like me, are simply running out of time to settle in one place.

The Green Card is a door to freedom and opportunity for growth, not a means to make money or to "add convenience". My own opinion, of course. I respect yours.


Sure, if you come from countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea or who knows even from China if you think they are curtailing your freedom of expresson, yes GC could be much more than just "convenience". Fortunately that is not the situation in my personal case. But I do understand your point of view.

-Relax and who knows some day even those countries might become worth going back :)
justchecking said:
Its been 2 years since we got our GC. Life has been okay so far. I just went from wasting my time on to other forums. Life is not that different. GC or Citizenship or H1B, only thing companies care about what have you done for them lately. I must admit that one advantage of GC is that you can show finger to your boss if they exploit you and move on within US.
If you are courageous and don't mind leaving US you can do that on H1B too.
GC just adds some convenience to life.


PS: If you live in SF bay area, check out this site
NO BS, No stupid pop-ups, just striving to bring you the original content from
silicon valley technology professionals.

True, but personally I think that it is just a state of mind and a matter of perception. Agreed that having a GC gives you peace of mind and the freedom to change jobs at will, but I find myself working as hard after the GC as I did before. No one wants a lazy and unproductive employee. I know people who "took it easy" after the GC at their own peril.

In our case, for 3 years we equated achieveing peace to obtaining GC and then last year after innummerable sleepless nights we finally got it. Now after 15 months, one thing we are very clear about is that happiness and peace is a state of mind and that has nothing to do with obtaining GC, It is a mirage because we were as tensed about making ends meet after getting it as we were earlier, if not more.

I know it is easier to say that GC didn't help or that it is no big deal, especially when you have it while others are still waiting, but in our opinion once you have it, its a big anti-climax and you are left high and dry.

Maybe that's the case only with us because subconsciously we convinced ourselves during those 3 years of struggle that the answer to all our hardships is getting a GC. However when we realized that the truth is far from it, it left a big vacuum in our lives. We now understand that the basics of life never change, just the context changes.

Over the last few months, we have moved on and are now seeking happiness where it truly resides.....spending more Quality time with our children, not getting tensed up over small things, smiling even at the slightest opportunity, enjoying whatever meals we eat, sleeping well when we hit the bed at night.......

Good luck to all of you out there and wish you all the happiness.


PS: Sorry for outburst, just couldn't control the urge.........
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kashish said:
In our case, for 3 years we equated achieveing peace to obtaining GC and then last year after innummerable sleepless nights we finally got it. Now after 15 months, one thing we are very clear about is that happiness and peace is a state of mind and that has nothing to do with obtaining GC, It is a mirage because we were as tensed about making ends meet after getting it as we were earlier, if not more.

I know it is easier to say that GC didn't help or that it is no big deal, especially when you have it while others are still waiting, but in our opinion once you have it, its a big anti-climax and you are left high and dry.

Maybe that's the case only with us because subconsciously we convinced ourselves during those 3 years of struggle that the answer to all our hardships is getting a GC. However when we realized that the truth is far from it, it left a big vacuum in our lives. We now understand that the basics of life never change, just the context changes.

Over the last few months, we have moved on and are now seeking happiness where it truly resides.....spending more Quality time with our children, not getting tensed up over small things, smiling even at the slightest opportunity, enjoying whatever meals we eat, sleeping well when we hit the bed at night.......

Good luck to all of you out there and wish you all the happiness.


PS: Sorry for outburst, just couldn't control the urge.........

Where in US are you ? Are you in SF bay area ?

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