Letter to the member of congress for the S.1932 billl


Registered Users (C)
Dear Member of Congress:

As we begin Fiscal Year 2006, America’s long-term economic health must be at the forefront of our nation’s legislative agenda. I am writing to alert you to several issues that we believe pose a significant threat to U.S. competitiveness and economic security. Leading business and scientific organizations recently warned that the United States is in danger of losing its innovative edge. Lagging student interest in math, science and engineering, coupled with a pattern of reduced government investment in basic research in the physical sciences are troubling indicators for the future. These disturbing trends must be reversed.

The green card process needs reform to enable employers to hire and retain the best qualified individuals in sufficient numbers. We believe that those individuals with the education, experience, knowledge and skills critical to U.S. competitiveness in the 21 st Century should be granted priority permanent resident status. Such reforms would significantly assist U.S. employers in retaining that talent, as well as alleviate the overwhelming demand for H-1B visas. USCIS’ efforts to reduce application backlogs have created another problem – unavailability of permanent visas, frequently called “green cards.” As of October 1, 2005, the State Department has set the clock backward – adding years to the wait for a green card for thousands of foreign professionals from countries such as India, China and the Philippines. The impact of the new restrictions will make it nearly impossible for these highly educated and skilled workers to gain permanent residence in the United States in the foreseeable future. Moreover, the recent unavailability of visas will force thousands of professionals to put their lives on hold, with the inability to change jobs, locations or employers.
To make matters worse, many of these professionals – including researchers, scientists, teachers and engineers – will see their wait for permanent residency drag on for many more years. Our system of backlogs, delays and unpredictability is discouraging and unwelcoming, forcing many valued employees to seek employment in other nations. This is not only disruptive to U.S. employers and our economy, but exceedingly unfair to hard-working, valued members of the American workforce. Access to this talent keeps innovation and jobs in the United States. Tapping America’s Potential and the National Association of Manufacturers’ 2005 Labor Day Report are available at www.competeamerica.org and www.nam.org.

The U.S. Senate passed S. 1932 which includes Section 8001 and Section 8002 to resolve the foregoing problems which this nation faces. The House bill, H.R. 4241, failed to include these important parts of the budget reconciliation legislation. Please support Sections 8001 and 8002 of S. 1932 in the conference process.

Thank you.
yyy Corporation,
telephone number.
