Letter to INS


Registered Users (C)
Attn: VSC (INS)
To Whom it may concern

Dear Sir/ Madam:

The following people (please reffer to names and signatures attached with this letter) would like to volunteer their time to work with INS at VSC to solve the mail room frontlog problems. We would like to volunteer our time on weekends. We could help sort mail in the mail room or any other resource intensive process.

Please let us know whether or not this is feasible.


Not particularly smart, my friend!

Good noble thought. But I am not sure if this is such a good way to approach the problem. This kind of "Gandhian" approach is not something that the INS will respond to. The main issue is: Confidentiality. How do you as an interested party ensure you will not screw up some one else\'s case? The Govt. never accepts largesse of any kind.

My approach would be simply to approach the chairman of the immigration committe in the senate - I am sure there is one and bring his attention to the mail room nonsense.

Innovative but won\'t work

As far as I know, no Federal governamnent agency will aloow anyone except CITIZENS to work for them. Therefore, we are out of luck.
I am in

Nothing wrong in trying.

Some time back I was hired in a defense organization(on H1 as a consultant). What they wanted is just to carry a copy of my passport and also told me I will be accomanied by a security guard when ever I leave my desk(to cafe or rest room). Not fun but
it is a myth only citizens are hired for federal positions. A few of my friends were sponsored (H1) by federal agencies.