Letter from FBI after 5 year wait


I am in a similar situation. I have written letters to Director of Namecheck Program, Director of TSC, sent emails, contacted Congressman, Senator and sent letter to First Lady without much luck. I just recently called USCIS and was told that my Namecheck remains pending. This is extremely frustrating. 3 years have gone by and there is still no signs of any progress. I emailed an attorney and they said that I could file WOM, but it has variable success.

Have you heard anybody filing a lawsuit against FBI Namecheck program? Is it allowed?
Thanks guys :) Can anyone else who is waiting for an approval after nc cleared tell me how long the wait is from here? Really appreciate the help!

A friend of mine, a german married to an american, had his NC started three years ago. They wrote to NY senators to no avail. Eventually they moved to CA and wrote to CA senators, who then requested FBI to check on his status. Turned out to be a similar story: it was approved way back but USCIS claimed no receipt. I don't know exactly when but his case was approved shortly after he found out all about this..

So good luck!
I didn't heard

I am in a similar situation. I have written letters to Director of Namecheck Program, Director of TSC, sent emails, contacted Congressman, Senator and sent letter to First Lady without much luck. I just recently called USCIS and was told that my Namecheck remains pending. This is extremely frustrating. 3 years have gone by and there is still no signs of any progress. I emailed an attorney and they said that I could file WOM, but it has variable success.

Have you heard anybody filing a lawsuit against FBI Namecheck program? Is it allowed?

of case against FBI. I too thought about that, but again felt after waiting so many years, why to sue the FBI? Fear factor always there :confused:

Since i just got the info. from FBI thru Congressman, i'll wait another couple of weeks to see if this inquiry will move my NC file. Else, even i was thinking of going after FBI rather than USCIS, since we know where the problem exists.
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The thing that got my case moving was the letter I wrote to FL.'...I heard when you file wom you should sue not just uscis but also FBI. You have nothing to be afraid of. Our next step was to file wom so we went to a lawyer for a consultation. She said you can still file wom but before they used to approve cases within 30 days. By law, they still have to respond within 30 days but they might ask the court to appeal. If this happens you or your lawyer will have to go to court which will end up costing you more. That's the difference. I think if all other measures fail. Sue them because your NC might've been cleared for years just like mine and unless you sue you may never hear from them :mad:
Hi Waiting,

Thanks for the suggestion. Since i got latest status on NC from congressman just a week ago, i'll wait for couple of weeks, and then will decide on WOM. Somehow, i don't believe in bombarding FBI through 10 different guys, as it may actually piss them off.
My name check was cleared months ago

Preferably your attorney (or you) should write a letter to the USCIS Director of the service center / USCIS ombudsman again, and make sure to attach a copy of the letter that you got from the FBI. Refer to one of the recent responses from USCIS and basically point out that the name check has been processed as per the FBI. That should move the case.

Antonioa's suggestion of taking the help of the senator is an excellent one as well. Try both routes.

Good Luck!

still no response from the USCIS. They told me the same thing what they told Waiting79, that my case is ready to be scheduled to be looked at by an officer. Two months have passed since then and I hear the same thing if I call them. I am just sick of this mess.

Can anybody give me any idea about the turnaround time from Senator/First lady.

Also, please tell me if writing to USCIS director/ombudsman helps.

this happens to me too! get a letter about USCIS has an error to submit to FBI and FBI infor them right away but there is no action from USCIS after that since 2004!

every time I called USCIS, they just told me waitting but actually, they did nothing!

this has waste my time, enegy, and money to attoney and renew my EAD every year!

should we sue together to against USCIS for our lost?
one month maximum. 2 weeks to 3 weeks is ideal. My options..... don't know, i lost hope in the system. Even WOM seems no option. Just sitting quiet for now.

Hi Srichalam,

Congressman came back to me, I will be receiving 2nd finger printing. But not clear wether NC is cleared. I have again asked him the question.


Hi Srichalam,

Congressman came back to me, I will be receiving 2nd finger printing. But not clear wether NC is cleared. I have again asked him the question.


getting 2nd FP doesn't mean anything unless you have info about NC. In any case, something is better than nothing. Atleast your file will be touched with 2nd FP.
Hi all,
I've been a silent reader on this site for 4 months. I am a US citizen and I had applied for my husband;s GC in Aug of 2002. we had our interview back in dec 2004 where we were told everything looks good but his name check is pending. We had tried everything from writing to senators to congressman and the ombudsman but didn't get an answer we already didn't know (Name check is pending) We were about to file a writ but I read about writing to First Lady Laura Bush here. We wanted to try this before we file the writ as it is a very expensive process. We wrote to her on March 25th and today I got a letter from FBI stating:

A review of the FBI's Name Check Program detabase revealed that your request was received from the USCIS on January 11, 2003. This submission was processed and finalized on May 4, 2005. The results were forwarded to the USCIS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

This means that we have been waiting for 2 extra years for no reason at all because someone at uscis did not do their job. Can someone please help us and tell us what should we do about this case. Everytime we took an info pass we would always hear that they are waiting for the FBI to respond..We have been made to wait for 5 years!!! How much longer do you think this process will take . Please give any advice on how to get my husband's GC processed asap. Thanks

Hi Waiting79,

Did you consult any lawyer for filing formal complaint, If yes can you share with me

for my case...

sad news..

I brought the letter from FBI to local USCIS with infopass. the lady told me she could not help me and ask me to write an inquiry and append the letter. (with an unfriendly face!)

I did and wrote them to look at my case perhaps resubmition is needed. then they returned me the letter, and told me "the case is still pending"!

I think they never read my letter and letter from FBI about resubmition!
for my case...

sad news..

I brought the letter from FBI to local USCIS with infopass. the lady told me she could not help me and ask me to write an inquiry and append the letter. (with an unfriendly face!)

I did and wrote them to look at my case perhaps resubmition is needed. then they returned me the letter, and told me "the case is still pending"!

I think they never read my letter and letter from FBI about resubmition!

You should write to FL, senator, and ombudsman telling them about your experience. Make another info pass. You might get someone who is more helpful. Let us know what happened

Write to First Lady, Vice president, Ombudsman, Senator and Congressman.

One of them should help you. Infopass only helps to get the status.
But writing to one of these people will definitely expedite your namecheck or adjudication.
If I were you, I would:

1. Write to Ombudsman as to how incompetant USCIS is.
2. Write to congressmen who are members of the Judiciary committee.
3. Study the law and sue USCIS for gross incompetence and ask for compensation for EAD costs etc.

This is US and the rule of law is followed. If you don't use the court system, but only keep pleading, well you are asking for it. You have to want your green card badly, and have the courage of conviction to stand up for what is rightfully yours. If your temparament is to wait and not to fight for your rights, then you just need to send letters and wait. You need good communication skills to go to court and be willing to put in the time. Half baked efforts wont get you any results.

Good luck either way.

for my case...

sad news..

I brought the letter from FBI to local USCIS with infopass. the lady told me she could not help me and ask me to write an inquiry and append the letter. (with an unfriendly face!)

I did and wrote them to look at my case perhaps resubmition is needed. then they returned me the letter, and told me "the case is still pending"!

I think they never read my letter and letter from FBI about resubmition!