Lets track RFE waiters!


Registered Users (C)
RD: Jan 2001
ND: 06/02/2001

RFE Detail:
Regarding Empl. Verification
Issued: 01/28/02
Replied: 02/04/02
AVM Updated 02/06/02

No Title

RD: 1/16/01
ND: 2/01/01

RFE: 1/14/02 (mailed out as per AVM)
RFE received in mail: 1/18/02
Responded to RFE 1/31/02

AVM updated 2/5/02

No Title

RFE issued on Jan 02 for Employment letter and birth affidavits
RFE replied on 02/01/02. AVM updated on 02/05/02.


rd:07/00 and ND:08/00
RFE ack at NSC 2/1/02

EB3: China
PD: 5/18/98
RD: 1/2/01
ND: 1/11/01
RFE: 1/17/02 per AVM
RFE received in mail: 1/23/02
Responded to RFE 1/24/02

AVM updated 2/1/02

RD 02/01, ND 03/01, FP 05/01 RFE (H-Ib & EAD copies) Issued : 01/29/02

Received 2/4/02, replied 2/5/02, AVM ack 2/6/02. Waiting...

EB3: China
PD: 5/18/98
RD: 1/2/01
ND: 1/11/01
RFE: 1/17/02 per AVM
RFE received in mail: 1/23/02
Responded to RFE 1/24/02
AVM updated 2/1/02

Approved on 2/12/2002 per AVM
What did AVM says after INS receiving your RFE

Heard RFE was mailed out on Feb. 1,
Received RFE on Feb 7, (notice was actually dated with Feb. 4)
RFE: Employment verification (include location of current employer and date to work with) and status.
RFE response on Feb. 9.
AVM updated on Feb. 12.

I am curious what AVM would sounds like. Is it standard?
RFE Issued : Jan 10 2002, Replied Jan 30, 2002, AVM Ack ; Feb 06, 2002

ND: 11/20/2000
RD: 10/12/2000
PD: 06/1999
Got RFE Info from Lawyer... Thanks Freeme and Others

I learnt from AVM that I got RFE on 02/04/02 and I got info from my lawyer yesterday(02/12/02) regarding BC, I submitted latest BC in my I-485. Right now we got affidavites from Parents and Uncle\'s family.

1)please let me know what are the document I need submit to Lawyer.?????
2)Do we need fill out any form??????

I changed my employer after 180 days
RD 02/01
ND 03/01
FP 05/01
EAD/AP 06/01
No Title

Affidavits from parents should do. If you want you can throw in your High school certificate/marks card showing your date of birth, but it is not necessary.
No Title

Any developement on your case after RFE reply
My RfE reply reached 02/15 as per AVM
how long do you think its taking from RFE reply
I have not received REF notice after 8 days.

AVM says my REF notice is mailed out on Feb 08, it is been 8 days. It also says I should call them if I still not receive REF after 14 days. Should I call them on Monday, or still wait? I don\'t know what they need.

EB2, China, PD 12/99, ND 3/01/ FP5/01, just apply my 2 EAD
My case approved Primary applicant no RFE. Wife RFE Details in Message

My case approved Jan 7 2002
Issued by INS Jan 17 2002
Received by Lawyers Feb 13 2002 (Due to mailing to another firm)
Replied and acknowledged by INS Feb 15 2002
RFE about birth certificate Need 2 affidavits
Waiting for decision
LIN 01-070-539..
PD Nov 24 1998
RD DeC 28 2000
ND Jan 4 2001
FP Mar 27 2001
Primary Applicant approved Jan 7 2002 NO RFE
Dependent Spouse RFE as detailed above
6 weeks since RFE Response Received by INS ....

Still waiting

RD 10/13/00
ND 11/06/00
RFE Received 12/12/01
Response Received per AVM 01/09/02
Still waiting......
RFE for BC