Lets Track NSC 2003 PD Cases

Count me in For 2003 PD's

My Details are
Sep 2003 PD
oct 2004 RD for 140/485
Got 3rd FP with code1 on July 2nd 2007
LUD 5/16/07

Please post all intseresting news related to these dates
Count me in ...

Recent Activity
SR1 Initiated Jan 07 - Response Jan 07 - Undergoing security / background check
SR2 Initiated Feb 07 - Response Feb 07 - Visa number not available for your category
SR3 Initiated July 07 - Response July 07 - Requested 1000's of visa numbers for employment based category, wait for 30 days
Senator office response in July 07 - Wait for 30 days
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PD May 2003 / 485 RD June 2004 - Still Waiting

Guys , I called twice NSC and got same messgae what I am seeing online. Is there any way I can find out if Visa number alloted to my case or not
I-485 PD Oct/03, RD Nov/04 Still Waiting

PD Oct/03
RD Nov/04
Still Waiting

3 EAD's Planning to apply 4th EAD.