Lets start with Feb Filers

js I hear you... it's not even about the green card... just let us work... one less thing to worry about!

feb08, I used to call them every day. My 2nd RFE was also from April 2nd, but didn't get it. Requested a duplicate on April 15th, didn't get that either. My lawyer is setting himself up for a possible battle now, by sending a letter and saving all the communication dates we've had in case they decide to close the case for no response on our side as we are soon approaching the 90 day deadline.

I've asked many times if I can send them an overnight prepaid UPS label, arguing on the phone with them knowing it wouldn't get me anywhere... asking them if they hear themselves talk when they tell me it takes a month to process a request, and another month for me to receive a duplicate. I even kept trying to get reassurance from them they would not close the case due to lack of response because at this point I put the blame on them and not USCIS... how many times can they blame USPS for losing a letter they can't even tell me when it went out? They would only say they would consider the situation before making that decision... really reassuring isn't it?

So it might get nasty.

sorry cestlavie, i was in a rush yesterday and didnt even notice you havent received ead yet. man that sucks, im praying for you. hopefully youll get that all important email very soon. id keep calling them and make an infopass. they are way past the date they should have approved it.
sorry cestlavie, i was in a rush yesterday and didnt even notice you havent received ead yet. man that sucks, im praying for you. hopefully youll get that all important email very soon. id keep calling them and make an infopass. they are way past the date they should have approved it.

I thought about it too but the case is apparently on hold because of the pending 2nd RFE. Nobody can tell me over the phone what they are missing, if anything. The first RFE was for a birth certificate that was already included in the original application, so god knows what now lol.

Would making an infopass be useful or are they going to tell me that there is no way for them to know what that 2nd RFE is about... and to keep making requests for duplicates every 2 months to be sent out to me until I get it?

Truth is I don't need the 2nd RFE letter, I just need to know what they are missing!!

In the mean time, I can only hope that the letter my lawyer sent out will produce results!
hope everyones doing good.
im still waiting for my GC, they mailed the approval notice on June 5th so im expecting it Monday or Tuesday.
hope to hear good news from you guys soon about your cases. keep at it.
I finally had my checks cashed on Friday, so I feel like I can finally participate in this thread. You don't know how frustrating it was for me to follow this thread as most of you eventually had your GCs and EADs approved. At least things have finally started moving for me...
RC2, I feel your frustration. Sorry mate that it sucked like this for you, but now it should move.
Remember what all on this thread did. Mind you, you can go request Expedited EAD & AP because it's been SSSOOOO long.!
Do try.
Thanks for the advice. Can you tell me how to go about doing that? I'm still learning the ropes around here. And I'm always wary of making any type of special request, because I feel like any interference could disrupt the progress of my case.
Hmmm, I was just reading that expedited processing is only available if the application has been pending for more than 90 days after the receipt date, meaning the date when a receipt number was generated. As far as USCIS is concerned, my application is only 2 days old. Pretty sure I am not eligible in this case.
Well they touched up my case today!! But message sitll saying that Request for Additional Evidence Sent on April 2nd... only LUD is 6/9 now... I guess it means they received the letter from the lawyer? Besides I'm sure they don't got a templated message saying "Our bad, we'll get off our ass and do our job now!"
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hello everybody
my wife picked me up from work today and i asked her if there was anything good in the mail and she said, oh u got something but it didnt look important so i just left it in the mailbox. so i get home and i go and check the mail to see what i got and it was the GC. i got it in the mail today. it looks puurrrty!!!:D
^ Congrats on the GC. I received 3 letters today to let me know that each of my forms was received. A small achievement, but I'm still extremely happy about it.
Thanks for the advice. Can you tell me how to go about doing that? I'm still learning the ropes around here. And I'm always wary of making any type of special request, because I feel like any interference could disrupt the progress of my case.

I was wary too, but screw them. they're screwing us ALLLLL the time.

You call their 1-800 number ... then you press , 2,6,0 i believe. it should put you through to an operator.
you ask this person that you want to request an expedite processing for your EAD based on FINANCIAL LOSS .. or something like that. Read up on it, and they can also tell you, because your application has been dragging so long due to circumstances beyond your control. And you need to work!
Simple as that.

I have to cal lback to do it again it seems. Good luck to us both
Try again. don't give up. I don't know what you're telling them, but this is rediculous.

I called again today and was VERY fortunate to speak to a wonderful lady there. She told me that there are good people in USCIS who do root for us, who do care and who are on our side. It's the luck of the draw, you just have to call until you find that good person. 1-800 number is a free call anyway.

also, they are working SO MANY people's different cases, they dont' remember talking to you, and the chances that you will ever speak to the same person twice is Slim to none.
KEEEEP trying. DO not give up!

So now I'll put down my pom-poms to tell my own news:
So the lady I spoke to today escalated me to an officer who was then compelled to re-request my expedite for EAD & AP - I want to get back to home country in July. I HAVE to see my family so my emotional battery can be reloaded.

so let's see what's next. Thumbs up for you and I cestlavie
feb08, I call USCIS every other day, and I'm on the same tip as you are... some outright don't care, some just come off as too dry but do care, and those that are just naturally warm and go beyond what others do. Besides their system is so ancient that I'm sure they don't log calls to the case. They would have clearly told me that I've been calling about the same issue for a couple of months now.

I'll keep trying to I get lucky. I was only fearing they would close my case out of lack of response, but with the 6/9 LUD... it makes me feel better knowing someone looked at my case, for whatever reasons... I just wish we could get real answers as to why this RFE can't seem to be produced.

Well good luck to you all and hopefully this week will bring good news to the rest of us!
still praying for you cestlavie and feb08filer, ive been super busy lately and havent had time to be on here. but just lettin yall know were all still in this together.
Thanks JS :) We know ... :) Since life sorted out for you with your EAD's and your wife working we share your happiness and understand Fully why you spend less time here ;):) Heck, soon as I get mine I would need to redirect my attention to finding a job too !
Thanks JS :) We know ... :) Since life sorted out for you with your EAD's and your wife working we share your happiness and understand Fully why you spend less time here ;):) Heck, soon as I get mine I would need to redirect my attention to finding a job too !

yea life is sorted out, but now i see my family less. so i like it better before, but having financial freedom is great too.