Lets start receipt tracking.. - Please Join Us

INS Nightmare

Registered Users (C)
For apr+ 485 filings

Please post your filing date & receipt received date.

(this helps in avoiding panic)
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on behalf of tired_one\'s
tired_one "Is there anyone who filed I485 at April,2001 have received their receipts??" 6/11/01 7:57am

filed apr 10th.. receipt sent out on jun 8th
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Filed I-485 on April 20. No receipt yet. Just spoke with an IIO two minutes ago. She told me that it would be "another 6 weeks" before I hear from them. Too bad!
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Filed on 26 April. No receipt yet. Looking at the discussion board and somebody\'s talk with IIO it seems that the VSC guys will suck every thing out of us before they issue the GCs.