Lets settle this once and for all...


Registered Users (C)
First of all, thanks for the guys who are mailing me private messages to seek courage from me.That shows how much has Mr.JoeF has terrorized this messageboard. My goal is to make the complex subject of corporations simple and let people's creativy take over.Not to tell what they can/should do?.

1).Who is a CEO?.
the answer is Chief Executive Officer.
2).Who's decisions a CEO needs to execute?.
The answer is majority of the Shareholders.

From the above, we can safely say, If i am 100% share holder of a company, i control the decision making process.As a majority shareholder, i elect a board of directors and that BOD appoints a CEO.In nevada state, one person can be CEO and BOD and share holder and can be from anywhere in this world.Most lawyers provide nominee CEOs and Directors for relatively less cost.
I am not advocating to break the law.To work as a CEO and take salary without work authorization is illegal.But to own a company and retain the control even though you hire a nominee CEO here or in india is possible.
Whatever decision you need to make just hold a share holders meeting(with yourslef while taking a shower) and email your nominee BOD to pass a resolution and have your nominee CEO execute it.Common guys, people in india are doing much better.look at this site, www.myvakil.com.

This is for people who either dont have the money to pay the CEO or worried that they will lose the control over the company.Now, with internet and your creativity, doesn't it open a whole new possibilities?.

What business are you suggesting i run?. Incorporation business or selling Richdad.com material?.I am sorry Mr.JoeF, i am in no way connected to any business nor am i selling anything here.
I am merely, trying to explain corporate law in simple terms and letting people know that they should seek better lawyers for their individual situations.
Just like we get a second opinion when we are not satisfied with one doctor, we should seek second opinions when one lawyer has pessimistic view on something.we should weigh the two opinions and take the one that suits us.
For the last time, dont mix Immigration and owning and controlling a business.If you really fall in love with a US citizen and get married, there is provision in law which gives you green card.thats legal.But to fake a marraige to get green card is illegal.Noone will say, you are on H1visa, you cannot fall in love with US citizen,if its genuine.Now,you can try very hard to fall in love.since you are in USA on H1 visa, you can go and hang out in bars and try to fall in love.Its much harder to fall in love with an american citizen from india.Even if you are on F1 which does not allow immigration intent, you are free to try and fall in love on campus or off campus.

Similarly, if you have an idea and want to to business and profit from it, there is a provision in Corporate law.But to take advantage of this law to get greencard or trying to get a job without a work autorization is illegal.It used to be harder to start a business and run from india before internet and cheap phones and high travel costs.Now they are all affordable and moreover you are already in US.If you decide to take advantage of these to start and develop a business, its not illegal.

Why do think Nevada state does not require share holders to be US citizens and does not require share holders to have office in US, because Corporate law encourages non US citizens to own and operate business in USA and provide jobs otherwise they will go to China or australia or panama.

Guys, read books on successful business people and watch movies.You will learn to think from Corporations point of view.As a 100% share holder you can give your nominee CEO the power of attorney to execute any decision or limit his power to a single decision at a time.Watch Baazigar,not from a entertainment stand point but from a business stand point, you will see the difference.Another good movie i saw recently is Danni Devito's "Other peoples money".Back in those days, they had to hold a share holders meeting in a big auditorium, now we can hold it cyber space or in our minds.nothing illegal.
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You are ...

You are entitled to your opinion.People are capable of making their own decisions.And judging from the private messages i am getting, there is definitely a change coming over peoples thinking which i am very glad to see.

My messages are for those brave entrepreneurs who are ready to go the extra mile while still remaining in the legal boundaries.Not for those timid souls who try to stay in the centre of the circle for the security, they think, it offers.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

----Theodore Roosevelt
luissanchez13, I agree with your opinion completely, but still if I have to start business I will take CPA's advice and not lay-man like joeF posters here..
Its perfectly legal to start business on H1 and do some nominal work (thats what precisely mentioned in the law). JoeF STOP POSTING LIES HERE
Oh my god! Deportation Again

There is a pattern developing here.Whenever Mr.JoeF cannot provide logical answers to my questions, he uses the word "Deportation". Classic mentality of a bear.
Fear rules Bears mind
Greed rules Bulls mind

Realists(Eagles) know and acknowledge both fear and greed and take rational decisions and stay in prosperity longer.

And thanks to PICASO, for ending this with one big sentence.
JoeF said:
You have chosen the right company... namely somebody who has never provided any meaningful content on this board..

You know WHY?? Because I do have full time job.. As somebody posted here, I am not jobless like you. You have no authority on immigration or IRS issues, but sadly continues with your LIES. You should be very shameful of your disguisted personality. But I can help you.. Whats your education?? If you have completed high school I can help you to get some minimum wage job. Atleast that earned money will be respectful rather than your LIES.

luissanchez13, can you also offer some help like mental analysis of joeF. I beleive, he badly need some kind of help to overcome his attitude problems
JoeF said:
Indeed. The pattern is that you are a scammer, and you lie.
You have chosen the right company... namely somebody who has never provided any meaningful content on this board... If you had any private messages, they probably were of the same "quality"...

Mr. JoeF, I am one of them who had sent luissanchez13 a private message. I did that because I didn't want my dream to be stopped by your comments. Unlike what you said.. he was not trying to sell anything.. nor offer any illegal advise. In fact what he pointed to me that my area of interest was perfectly alright for a H1 to do.

Whatever advise I get from anyone, I will run it by a CPA / immigration lawyer. I don't think it is advisable to do anything based on what layman says..

However.... it is the starting that we all have problems with.. When we hear something encouraging about something that we want to do ... we take it to the next level and consult professionals. It is this kind of encouragement that people who visit the forum look out for.

Whatever that luissanchez13 is suggesting, my spouse got the same advise from someone else in this forum. I know that you run your own business and do computer consulting. It's just my opinion but I think you are trying to be so negative and scare people because you look at them as competition to you. Mostly people visit this forum are IT guys who want to start business in computer consulting.

Well, I for one do not believe that luissanchez13 is selling scam ideas or products because he didn't to me.. and he is not promoting anything even in his posts. So stop saying these to create fear in everybody.
Again More LIES . STOP posting LIES JoeF. H1 holder can start business and work for it nominal way. Thats the law.
And which device driver you dreaming about?? As somebody said, you spent 20+ hrs on this forum for many years?? What the heck device driver has to do with your postings and lies. Please get some help.. You need it , or post your education (atleast H.S please), I will help you to find some job.
JoeF,You have to. When person gets sick, he sees doctor. You are mentally sick and you need help. And being jobless , makes you more miserable. You know "Empty mind is Devils house" and thats what happening with your life. Lieing and fighting with people will not help you. You need some serious mental HELP.Start with posting your education, I can help you to get started with atleast some minimum wage job.
Stop it Guys!!!.

Dosen't look like a healthy talk.
Joef seems to scare most of us, but remember you don't have to follow his suggestions.

I haven't read all the posts in this thread but it certainly is very bad on our part to literally shout at each other like this.

Well, JOEF after seeing all your posts I certainly want to know your Profession. Could you let us know what you do for a living?