Let's push those SOB of CIS really hard!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi, Guys

I am sick and tired of being wating! I am sick and tired, I mean it.

I called the national service center, a stupid guy answered call trying
to read that bullshit website again and hang up. I shouted at him,
complained about my pain, blaming him for all his capability is reading
bullshit CIS website which I am doing everyday.

I complained about 850 days of painful wait.
I complained about seeing other applications filed one year later got approved.
I complained about TSC not sending me FP until I pushed the Miami Local Office to send a inquiry.
I complained about my case being transferred to local office instead of being
processed at TSC.
I complained about increased application fee which I have to pay to renew my EAD and AP
I complained about INFOPASS is hard to use and could not schedule appointment successfully.
I complained Miami Office do not accept phone call inquiry.
I said the whole CIS is a shit and can not perform their duty but know to
create reasons such as "security check" but I know FBI can clear the FP
in one day.

I complained a lot, I complained hard. I want my voice being heard, so this guy gave me two mail address to complain:

Director of Office of Internal Audit
425 I Street NW
Room 3260
DC 20536

ATTN: District Director
7880 Biscayne BLVD
Miam, FL 33138

I will send a letter to DC address immediately tonight. I will wait for 30 days before sending a second letter to Miami.

I know most you guys would wait for your luck silently. But I hope some of you could join my team to screw those bastards!

Let's do it!
Some of you may feel safer to wait without "disturbing" CIS because
we virtually could be screwed up by CIS easily.

But I am so angry now about the current status and all kinds of lies and bull shit produced
by CIS. Even I have received approval today, I will keep on hitting those

I have fighted this April for my FP by pushing Miami office to send a
inquiry to TSC, I got FP notice in one week
I called for not receiving approved AP this July and also mentioned my
I485, then my cases were transferred to Miami in one week

Those bastards need to be slashed, otherwise they won't work on your
case if it happened to be in that "fogotten stack", except you are extremely lucky.

I will shout, I will kick, I will punch.

Trust me, it feels so good!
You are not alone...a lot of people feel the same way.
Have you contacted your senator or congressman?
There are several action teams formed. Please join those.
Have you donated to the immigrationportal.com fund?
you can go to http://www.immigrationportal.org/ and donate a small amout to help with their reduction backlog efforts. Donating is easy, just click on the paypal button.

When you say I know most you guys would wait for your luck silently. you are wrong, there is a lot of stuff going on at various levels. Just need more people to participate....
Dear I-485 fellows,

I have been having same pain as yours. I did all things like that you will do. But those freaks in the world never respect us. They treat us like dogs. They were, are or will be never moved a step by our complains. Why? Because we belong to inferiors without voting rights although we pay as taxes as citizens. Our voice would be listened by those freaks. I contacted Florida senators by showing them that there were unfair processing of I-485 in TSC. However senators's assistants never took my evdence to ask TSC why some cases filed in 2003 or later had bee approved. They usually got TSC replies that we would need more time to wait on line. Those senators and congressmen are helpless to our cases. They don't care much more about our cases because we have no voting rights. So far I could find a effient way in this and other forums to push TSC to move fast. For myself, what I will do is I won't vote those guys if I have right in the future.