Lets count Baltimore Transfered EB3 cases


Registered Users (C)

If any one with EB3 category, case transfered to Baltimore, please post your information so we can count how many are there in same boat.

My case detail:
EB3, PD 01/99, ND 01/00, FP 03/01, No RFE

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& Ganapathy Raman
Can u please look into your I140 approval does it says it has been sent to "Department of State National Visa Center (NVC)..

If that is the case , we can have wild guess that , the labor papers might have gone to abroad.

Look at some the posts it sounds like , if the applications has approved for NVC , they transfer our file to abroad.

If some knows any info regarding this , please comment on this.

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I guess your PD has become current very recently otherwise you should have received the interview letter long back. You can see that people with TD
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After getting letter for interview from Balimore-INS
Can I file I-485 for my spouse.

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Hi! My case was transferred last Apr 27, 2001
and me, my wife and daughter received our interview
notices recently for July 12.

My details are: PD 11/98 ND 10/11/00 FP 12/26/00
EB3 and country OTHERS.

Hope this helps. I\'ll try to post our interview experience
on or after July 12.
