Let's all move to Canada...


Registered Users (C)
Screw this GC thing. I 140, I485, I94, I771, I.....
So many forms, processes, stuff. For what? Freedom? Not anymore. Whatever happens, I feel we will always be second class citizen, becuase of the way we look, sound, our culture ect...
So I say, let's all move up-North where you can get your citizenship in three years!

A guy tired of waiting...
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
we are the 4th class citizen: the whites are first class, women are second class, native-born minorities are third class because at least they speak fluent English. We are fourth class citizens because we are not white, not women, and we are minorities who speak English with an accent :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !
Canadian Immigration Officer Wished me good-luck :)

During one of my recent visits to Canada, the Canadian Immigration Officer wanted me to undergo secondary inspection. There, a pleasant lady officer interviewed me for the purpose of my visit and other related questions. After she found very comfortable talking to me, she inquired personally as to how I find things in the US. And then she asked me why I have to put up with the EAD, which BTW, in her own words was good-looking than the Canadian EAD. I told her that I am still awaiting my GC approval. To that she sympathized and said, "After 8 years, I am aghast to see that you are not yet approved of your GC. I hope the United States Government approves your case soon as it doesn't take that long over here. And well-qualified persons like you shouldn't undergo this suspense for too long. Good luck." I smiled and took leave :) .
agree with P

my own personal experience has been very good that to during 2000. I had gone on to stamp canadian gc....i let it go away by not going back for last so many years now :D
P again

did you require visa to get in and how and where did you do it? Please explain a bit about the process
I am telling you. If you happen to be from the wrong country, if your skin is the wrong shade, if you have the wrong accent, if you are not Christian, then good luck.
I was thinking about it the other day. Regardless of me living here or in my home country, I will always have to kiss rear ends. It is just matter of which rer-end you will kiss.
My humble thoughts...
If citizenship is the main criterion for moving to a country, then a lot of people who are making the statements can remain in the home country itself. As far as kissing asses, atleast speaking for those from India, is that anything new? If one is willing to resort to it for getting things done easier, one would do it in any country. Immigration and PR has become tough due to the ground realities that have risen out of a political-economic factors. I can at the least state that a lot of people in this forum have got action on their cases by writing and complaining to senators. On a percentage comparison, I challenge anybody to write a similar letter to your Lok Sabha MP (if one is from India) and expect a response. I am not trying to sit here and criticize India, nor do I want to make good amount of dollars and criticize Americans. It is dangerous to sit on a fence and throw stones at people on both sides and here I mean US and India. As far as Canada goes, why stop at Canada? Why not go to Finland or Norway? Is it becos people do not know ENglish or is it becos it is far from US ;-) If English was the primary factor then India has more english speaking folks than Finland and if it is far from US....AHEM...
We all have decided to become residents of this country for lots of practical reasons and it is natural for new comers to seen with suspicion. Who the bloody hell are we to judge? If some right-wing Mumbaikars can shout in Samna that mumbai is not for non-mumbaites or not for Muslims or not for Up'ites or not for Madrasis (sic) or not for Bangladeshis, no Indian has the right to judge a person from anyother country for even having a fraction of the similar right-wing attitude. I have not even expanded the Indian regional jingoism for if I expand every state might well fall into the category be it Karnataka or be it Gujrat.....
Those who are thinking of running to Canada will soon start complaining of taxes without understanding the end use and the enormous implications and risks of a having a tax-free social structure.
Every country has its advantages, its beauty, its flaws, be it US, Canada, India. Just try to enjoy the stay...In the end life on earth ends and there are no earths to jump ship to...
P.S.: In case mumbaikars and k,g folks take offence at my using them as reference, no hard feelings..I am have v,v strong ties to mumbai , k and g.
Canada embraces the fact that thier country is built on immigrants.No need to assimilate in Canada, like in the US. The fact that you have your own traditions, religion, way of dress etc is all embraced by the culture of Canadians. You will often hear people say "I am Polish-Canadian" or "Chinese-Canadain", or whatever thier country of birth was. Also Canadians like to ask "What nationality are you?", even if they know that you are a Canadian, becasue even if you were born in Canada, many more Canadians keep thier traditions and pass them on to thier kids. They are not as fearful to show their traditions as are US immigrants.

I was born in Canada, and lived there for 25 years. I saw many immigrants come in, and I know how the schools and society in general teach kids about all cultures, and Canada would not be Canada if it wasn't for all these immigrants.

It never took as long to imigrate into Canada as it does into the US. The immigration system in the US is truely inferior to the one in

The US way is that they often prefer to forget the fact that nobody is really an American except for the American indians.
Great point CuriousGoerge.
As for your comment, RegistrationID, do not assume that everyone who comes to this forum is Indian. I am not, and yet, I still have to kiss asses in my country of origin which is not India. Also, please don't lecture me on "sitting on the fence...blalala". And don't lecture me on not doing anything about this situation. As far as you story about Mumbaites and muslims, I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say.

Just in case you did not get it the first time, I will try to make it even clearer for you: Canada has always been a very welcoming country for minorities, from all over the world. More welcoming than the US. If you live in Canada, you do not have to hide the fact that you are muslim, or from a middle eastern descent, like you would do in the US, especially after 9/11.
Finland and Norway were not built on immigrants. They were inhabited by the Vikings for thousands of years, and those traditions run deep in those countries.
Canada, on the other hand is a relatively new country in comparison, with much fewer traditions and history. They realize that the only Canadians are the Indians that were there in the first place. They realize that they can prosper by building their population by immigration. They can learn and embrace the history and traditions of ALL of their immigrants put together. Finland and Norway, although great countries, renowned for being open to immigrants as Canada is.
The US does not fit into the same category as Canada as to how they look at immigrants. That's the point. No reason to bring Finland and Norway into this, because they are not a country of immigrants.
curiousGeorge said:
Finland and Norway were not built on immigrants. They were inhabited by the Vikings for thousands of years, and those traditions run deep in those countries.
Canada, on the other hand is a relatively new country in comparison, with much fewer traditions and history. They realize that the only Canadians are the Indians that were there in the first place. They realize that they can prosper by building their population by immigration. They can learn and embrace the history and traditions of ALL of their immigrants put together. Finland and Norway, although great countries, renowned for being open to immigrants as Canada is.
The US does not fit into the same category as Canada as to how they look at immigrants. That's the point. No reason to bring Finland and Norway into this, because they are not a country of immigrants.

He did not bring in Norway or Finland for that purpose. Before going to Canada I would also take a look at many different European countries. May be because I am from around there.

Good post registrationid!!! I am with you and agree with your points. But due to the understandable angry nature of this forum due to the extreme amount of frustration that all of us have to bear, it will be hard to post anything good about the USA. But that will change once we all get approved. I am also pissed with many things here, but on the other hand the good outweights the bad, or we would not be here anymore.
Ok.. I had to write something..

To whoever it was,

Do not ever compare this country to Canada. I had the good fortune of staying there for 2 days. Every damn person I met there greeted with a smile, might be the guy in macd's or restaurants or ticket counters...whichever place... what curiousgeorge said was right..they ask for your nationality..they treat ppl with respect...

Moreover never compare India with USA.. atleast in India normal man does not discriminate..if you see a porter in a railway station..he will not put a face if you look dark/fair/muslim/christian or whatever it is..With a majority religion of hinduism in India, we should be proud to have a muslim president and sikh prime minister...and how muchever the thought might've been stupid (this is my opinion)..they were letting Sonia an italian born to be prime minister..I would kill myself if there would be a Non-white president here in the next 1000000 years...crazy number..but thats how sure I am

thats not the case here...you go any place..rich or poor...white or non-white..there are crazy A** ppl who look at you as if they are tolerating you...and the fact of the matter is...all these ppl live on our paid-taxes..that's damn right... an average asian or europeon here makes much more than an average american..and most of them dont wait here till they receive their benefits..let it be medicare or SS...So thats like a big scam..I believe if there were no immigrants..SS would have gone bankrupt loooooooong time ago... moreover these guys donno anything better than milk money from others...declare war on nations for no damn use...god..anyway...

about senators help...if they are so eager to help us..how come they cant change the laws in the firstplace...why do u have to find a way to fix things..than eliminate the problem altogether..

after all this, why am I staying here...cuz I got no place for my work in India..I like the comforts..I never feel that I owe something to this place..nope..I use them..they use me....its mutual..I never discriminate..but they do..so its not mutual there...

over and out
We all have choices

I know we all are frusted but we all have choices. We choose to come here may be with a false sense that everything is good . I do not think it is useful for us to say this country has problems and our home country is better. If I think I can have better life in my home country I would move back there. I can think of few issues about each countries (including my own) which bothers me. I personally leaved in 3 countries (home country, UK and USA) over my life time and I think this the best country for foreginers.
rejoinder to tombaan

tombaan said:
did you require visa to get in and how and where did you do it? Please explain a bit about the process
Tombaan, friend! Greetings!! I have to get my Canadian Worker Visitor's visa to gain entry into Canada. I got it from the Washington DC Embassy. You need to have all the employer's documents to get it. And of course, you need to have a travel itinerary, should the officer ask for it. In my case, they didn't want me to undergo secondary interview at the embassy and pretty much it was straight-forward. I went to my interview (no appointments needed) in the morning and collected my passport in the afternoon. The Canadian Embassy is just opposite to the DC Court House and very close to US Capitol.
Not truly so..

Hopefulguy said:
if you are not Christian, then good luck.
Well, I honestly do not think so. I qualify under this and many of your other criterion. Yet, I have no "good luck," as you have implied. See, the forms do not even have a place to let me announce that I am a Christian with good accent :) . So, I honestly do not think that one is victimized by these narrow, parochial and partisan criterion.
Let's all move to Canada .. and have no jobs.

Yes we can get GC or Citizenship faster in Canada than US. But then why Canadians are coming to US and wait in the game of US GC? I know many who went to Canada, got GC and Citizenship and are now working in US waiting to get US GC.

I understand your frustration of about slow GC process. But no need to bring Canada or any other country for comparion. You might as well immigrate to Bangladesh where you can get a GC the 2nd day and Citizenship on third day. But what's the use?

No need to bring any place that you know for comparison here. You just stayed in Mumbai, K and G. Try living in other parts of India and you will find the same situation. Ok let us move out of India and you will see the situation is same. Go to UK, Middle East, Singapore or Australia and things are worst than in Mumbai. I have personally worked and stayed in many coutries to realize this. The descrimination in these coutries is open and BY LAW.

So you need to be fortunate to be in the best coutry in the world, USA. The second BEST is INDIA.
curiousGeorge said:
The US way is that they often prefer to forget the fact that nobody is really an American except for the American indians.

Well said, George. I always use that to remind my fellow white american friends.

curiousGeorge said:
Canada embraces the fact that thier country is built on immigrants.No need to assimilate in Canada, like in the US. The fact that you have your own traditions, religion, way of dress etc is all embraced by the culture of Canadians. You will often hear people say "I am Polish-Canadian" or "Chinese-Canadain", or whatever thier country of birth was. Also Canadians like to ask "What nationality are you?", even if they know that you are a Canadian, becasue even if you were born in Canada, many more Canadians keep thier traditions and pass them on to thier kids.

That is very interesting to know about Canada. The reason I say that , George is because of my limited perception about Canada.
I had read some years ago about Sikh cops in Canada were asked to remove their turban & remove their beard.
Maybe these might be rare stories out of canada.
Anyways, now I understand canadians are ready to declare Jariome Inigla (son of a nigerian immigrant) their new superstar.

A government might proclaim itself as multicultural society but it is ultimately
the elements in the society who make it truly multicultural diversity.

I've gone to canda several times. Each time I've mailed my application on the canadian consulate in Los Angeles. Download the from from their web site, mail in your application and documents they asked for with a reply paid USPS express mail envelop. I got my visa in about 4 days...