let us count all EB3\'s between may1 97 and dec 97 and waiting for approval

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Hi All!

I spoke to IIO today. She said My App. is waiting for VISA number .
When I mentioned about "MY PD is current this month" . she said they
have not started using March Visa numbes yet. It will take 2 months
to complete the process after they start using the Visa numbers..

Hope this helps ...

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EB3 - India
  PD - 05/27/97
  RD - 08/25/99
  ND - 09/15/99
  FP - 08/15/00
  As of 02/09/00 - No RFE - under review by the officer

     Though Nd is 09/99, - is not getting the RFE a good sign or bad sign?

    Please comment.

