Let\'s Track Approval Notices


It seems that VSC has slowed down sending out approval notices. It used to take as little as 5 days, now takes 8, 9, 10 days and even more.

This is a continuation of the previous thread: ahha "Anybody who got approved last week has received approval notice in the mail?" 3/8/02 8:51pm

Here is the list so far:

(Name Approval_date Date_notice_recved State Total_wait)

Jan2001 2/22
Palluji 2/25 3/4 7 days
Hahahuhu 2/26 3/8 PA 10 days
Timsoove 2/26 3/7 MA 9 days
ahha 2/27 3/7 MA 8 days
MyCoworker 2/27 3/6 MA 7 days
Bret 2/28
GC_Kool 2/28 MA
OntheEdge 3/7

Those lucky ones who got approvals lately, please share your info.
June Filer Approval: RD: 6/7 ND:8/9 FP:11/23 AD 3/7 EB2 Scotland

Here since Nov 96 - it\'s been a long haul!
No Title

Approval Date : 2/27
Approval Notice recd : 3/7

Is it possible to go to INS office other than the one mentioned in the approval letter??