Less fees submitted. What will be the impact.


Registered Users (C)
I submitted USD317.62 (equivalent to Candian 500 as of the date I sent my application) as application fees. My application was received on Oct 29th. Now I have come to know that I needed to send USD 325.
Please advise what should I do. I do not want to wait to get my file no. Is there any way I can send the balance amount?
most likely return..

I think they will most likely return your application. You could try calling them up and making a case for sending the additional amount
Which number to call???

Thanks for your reply.
Would you be knowing which number to call for the same.
Is it almost impossible to be EXACT same amount?

Considering the varying rate between USD and CAD, it is constantly changing. The rate could be high or lower when they receive it. Question is: how much difference is acceptable?
No Title

i would assume best is to send extra 20 bucks so as to avoid
un-necessary hassles. As they tell if they owe you some amount back.
Confirmed with Buffalo - Send $325 exact amount

Canadian Consulate does not go by the fluctuating rate of USD versus CAD. They have a flat application fee of $325. Unfortunaltely their website gives no information about this.
So friends send EXACT $325 or your application will be returned in approximately 3 weeks without a file number being created.

Thanks for all your help.

Thanks, that is good news. But the lady at the Buffalo center said otherwise.
Anyways if you are right then its good for me.
Well! Your file number will get created anyway but will not be processed.

I know of several occasions. If you send less they will ask and if you send more they will keep quiet until they finish processing and recalculate when they ask for landing fee.

You have to wait untill you get file number and send them the exact amount.
Also you can check whether your check has been cached. If it is cached then you can be relaxed that you can send remaining amount it after getting file number.

I agree with "In Limbo".