LEGALS FIRST, April 14th

This sort of stuff will help

  • Yes, it will raise awareness

    Votes: 37 78.7%
  • It will raise awareness minimally

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • It will raise no awareness

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Legals are too scared to make any public statement

    Votes: 5 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Users (C)
Hello Everyone,

Please check out the blog LegalsFirst on Blogspot: essentially, it talks about observing April 14th as "Legals First" day, to voice the fact that legals need to be taken care of before any amnesty is given to illegal immigrants.

You can show your support by wearing a sticker with the words "Legals First" on it. If you've been backlogged, wear a sticker saying "BACKLOGGED", but just take some action so that your voice is evident to those around you.

Forward the link to all your friends so that they can also show their support for the "LEGALS FIRST" movement.

details at:
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The demands of Legals First are quite simple:

1. Any amnesty to illegal immigrants must be preceded by an amnesty to aspiring legal immigrants stuck in the labor certification process.
2. The appropriations to process illegal immigration applications must be separate from and not impinge upon the appropriations for legal immigration so that the resources being assigned to the legal immigration process are not hijacked by the illegal immigration agenda.
3. A decoupling of bills for legal immigration and illegal immigration reform, so that lack of compromise on illegal immigration doesn't scuttle the opportunity for reform of the legal immigration system (on which there is much more consensus).
4. The elimination of the backlogged legal immigration process before any processing is begun on the illegal immigrant petitions.
5. More accountability for the mistakes that the government does in the processing of the petitions filed by the legal immigrants.
Talking Points, Situation Background


Please find attached a document that details the situation with the backlogs, so we have materials to forward people who might be interested in the matter.

The basic idea is: before any amnesty to illegal immigrants, give amnesty to the aspiring legal immigrants first, hence, "LEGALS FIRST."

Very often, we understand the issue, but are unable to verbalize it when the time comes because we're "too close to the problem"

I hope the document helps. Make sure your tell your friends about "LEGALS FIRST" day on April 14th !!

We need all the support we can get.
Check out:

Seek Wider Support

Hello All,

Do seek support from all your colleagues, immigrants and citizens alike: Legal Immigration should be given priority over illegal immigrants.

So forward the message about LEGALS FIRST to your teams, companies, friends, etc. The more people that wear the "LEGALS FIRST" stickers on Friday, the more awareness we'll create about the backlog situation.

More than a sticker is needed

Yeah .. about time we started doing something

But we need to do more than that. It would be a shame to let these immigration laws pass without consideration for legal immigrants who play by the book.
I agree, we have a long way to go towards getting organized: but an action like this lowers our inhibitions to act. So many of us are so used to lying low that we need the cumulative effect of various actions at a personal level to stir us into action.

A sticker is a very small thing. But if we can display our voice in public, then at least we break through the barrier of staying quiet about it.

Thanks for your support, and do tell your friends about LEGALS FIRST, April 14th.

I feel so glad we have some voices from the LEGAL immigrants!! I have already marked that day on calender!


In addition, we might also want to spread the word by putting up bumper stickers "Legals First" on our cars.

Anything that makes a difference...
legals first - Useless comparision

Hi Guys,

It is useless topic. You first or last does not matter. The GOVt treats all immigrant applicants same way. The basic thing is "They donot process your applications/petions not even normal way. " So when they donot processing(You are seeing the results) why do you have to take procession to make you feel different by saying Legals.

Hey guys , Illegals in the counytry are from MExico / latin americans. They are terming as illegals, i think they are legally crossed border ( as they dont supervise) and only thing they donot have is documentation . If you are illegal and not from south america, they donot treat you same way like deporting to your country by bus. They treat you as a terrorist and you can't go any where.

So donot compare with the so called Illegals. If really this govt does go with documnts, how r they getting work? how dare any employer offer job?

So it is trash talk . If you come legally also , they are killing your spouse work capcity/authorization and you pay every tax and still you r noteligible for the unemployment package.

What you have to stress on is to let them work on these labor/backlogs.

Do not start fight legal/illegal, start fight for equql opportunity/racial descrimination stuff.......

Let them practice than preach to rest of world.
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Legals need to be treated differently


The fact that the media and the government uses one all encompassing term, "immigrants," is incorrect since there are two very different problems facing the country: 1) the influx of people who have stormed the gate (i.e. the illegals) and 2) the people who are the competitive edge of America (i.e. the highly skilled legals).

The unfortunate thing is that most media and government, being made up of US Citizens by birth, is completely unaware of the issues of backlogs and mismanagement of the legal immigration process.

You mention that the governemnt "treats all applicants the same way," and that is exactly what we're contesting: don't group the legal immigrants with the illegal immigrants: their issues are separate, and require separate and faster processing.

In the past, things like amnesties have taken resources AWAY from the legal immigration process (look what happened with 245i: that is what caused the backlog in the first place), and the mismanagement has had no accountability. So, legals have been left behind.

This campaign is to stress that the outstanding issues of the backlog and retrogression have to be addressed first, before anything is done about the illegal immigration issue. Hence, Legals First.

More on the motivations behind this issue at:
The posts in the blog do outline the issues you're talking about: allowing spouses to work, more flexibility in the waiting period to change jobs, more access to opportunity such as ability to get promotions, etc.

We need to spread awareness!! Thanks.
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Not to sound pessimistic but by having a name like legalsfirst and comparing ourselves with illegals, you are pitting yourself against the illegal aliens when we're already fighting the battle against anti-immigrants.

Any message we send should be a positive one like telling how much we are contributing to the economy and competitiveness. By comparing our selves with the illegals, we might be going down a slippery slope. The anti-immigrants will have more cause of fight all kinds of immigrants then.
controversial is good

hara_patta, first let me tell you that you are doing a good job!

if 'LEGALS FIRST' is a controversial or not decent, let it be. who cares ? first we need to get our butts out there and rally! being controversial may attract more attention. this is what we learn in america. so anyways it would help us.

Lets keep it going !! lets plan for action!!
legals - first

Hi hara patte,

i apreciate the initiative to show the diff as legals . But stil In my view , why do we need to educate those congress/senate, wich is pack of hypocrised fat brains. They dont do immed, they do some sort of bill and come up with another immigration reforms.

We are tired of their As hole technology. Sory to say but reality is harsher. As every idiot use that Ass technology.

Any how thanks for fighting.

Good luck to you all (including me) .

I don't think this would do anything because most americans do not know the difference between legal and illegal. To them we're all immigrants. I've had hard time explaining it even to my family, who are American citizens and their children are 2nd and 3rd geenration here. They do not understand the difference.
Once you explain that illegal immigrants break the law to come here, unlike us, they break the law to work here, unlike us, they abuse the medical system which we (legals) pay for, they school their children for free, which tax payers pay for, they lower the wages and take jobs away from US citizens, they are undocumented and nobody pretty much knows who they are, which is a risk in numerous ways, etc. etc. then they start to realize what's the difference.

That is the awareness you should be raising, not saying "legals first".
LEGALS FIRST day is Tomorrow!! April 14th

Hey SoR,

You're right: people don't know the difference, and explaining the difference can be a long and complicated process.

However, "Legals First" is a catch-phrase: one that gets people interested enough to at least ask about it, i.e., "why should we be first?"

This is where the arguments you've outlined can truly be expressed: the aspiring legal immigrants should be taken care of before others because we contribute so substantially in so many ways to the economy and the society, that we give to it generously, and we share the same ethos, and we stick to all the rules about immigration. The people who break through the wall are greater in number, but that doesn't make them right.

Spread the word: Legals First day is tomorrw, April 14th: wear that sticker, let people know that that issue exists.


If you forgot to wear your "LEGALS FIRST" sticker, head to your office's supply closet and get a label and write on it with a marker pen ... make a few extra ones to distribute to friends!

Spread the word ... I've already had a lot of people ask me what its all about, and when I explain the details, the light dawns on them in an "aha" moment.

Wear that sticker, tell your friends, spread the word.
I wore a sticker "LEGALS FIRST" at work.

Put one on car.

Everyday at work and outside I intend to wear one and educate whoever asks.

It may be useless exercise but at least something to display.
Dago Red said:
As a(n) (legal) alien in any country, you should stay quiet and respect the legal system of that country you're in. I don't think it is polite to make any political statement in public. This might offend citizens of the country in which you reside as a guest. If you are invited for a diner at somebody's house, do you complain about it if you don't like it ?
Just my 5 cents ....

You're hilarious. I guess you're the kind of person who invites guests to dinner and then doesn't serve them, and then you complain if they call you a bad host.

Also, you say as a "legal" alien in any country, I should swallow whatever swill they dish out. I guess you're ok with illegals asking for their "rights" but not legals, who are only asking for the timely and fair completion of a STATED CONTRACT.

I am an aspiring legal immigrant. I have diligently fulfilled everything that the legal and social contract has required of me. All I'm asking for is the fulfillment of the counter-party's obligations in the contract: social, as well as legal.

Are you saying that its too much to ask? Are you saying that its too much to ask of a Western, democratic, law-abiding, fair and just society? Are you saying that America, the bastion of the Capitalist contract, is incapable (or unwilling) to follow through on its basic guarantees of execution on legal, written contracts?

If I'm an alien, what planet are you from?