Leaving country while pregnant


Registered Users (C)

If we plan to travel to India when my wife is 6 months pregnant and come back when she is 7 months pregnant, will this be a problem?

We are on EAD, Advance Parole.

The question is:

1) Will the immigration not allow my wife to enter US because they will assume that she will give birth in US and since we are not permanent resident or citizens, will we be considered just like any other foreign travellers?

2) Will airline cause any problems being 7 months pregnant?

Is it too risky to travel?

Yo There

I beleive that international airlines allow travel upto 28 weeks. Some airlines at 28 weeks ask for a doctor's certificate stating that your wife will be fit to travel.
Will immigration stop a very pregnant woman?

I still need to know if immmigration will stop someone who is pregnant?