leaving child in India...

Can't stop from commenting on this.

How can you be send away your child for a such a long time?

I mean how can you forego once in a life time happiness of watching your child growing up before your own eyes.May be I am sentimental but there is lot of pleasure and joy in watching your own child grow. Trust me I am enjoying the pleasure of parent hood and like the every moment of this.
I agree with GCSeekerInd and Girish Rajput .

I still cannot agree how a kid will be burden on the family financially.

If he can support his wife by asking her to stay and if she is not a burden how come the kid will be a burden.

I think only reason is that she earns and the kid does not.

Just my opinion.
katipatang, your life is a katipatang.

The parents have to take the right decision not any decision.

Kids don't happen just like that. They happen if you don't plan and use the proper methods.
Grow up man...
I think you better need to grow up as you don't know how to plan for kids.
Keeping a kid in India is not abuse, it is good upbringing!
So you just have the kids and put them in foster home (India), don't even watch them grow and all the great things they do and once they start going to school (when you get free education), bring them here and try to make a parental connection with them. What a pathetic life? Why not adopt a kid who is 5-6 years old?

Don't give me all the bull crap - they happen; if they happen, you need to change your life along their lives.
frnatic - good points...

I would like to add from my side ...

It is very hard to take care of infants.. very strainous job..
and asking our parents to take-care of our kids.. is absolutely ourageous and explointing our own parents...

As age comes on, people really love not to have responsibilities
and financial constraints...
Frantic and 1amShantanuB,

If my life is a katipatang, that is exactly what I wanted. Freedom!

Even in this day and age there are parents who love to take care of their grand kids. There are circumstances under which kids have to stay with their relatives of which, I argue, grandparents are the closest. If parents are sending the kids away just for earning more dough, I completely disagree. But we cannot conclusively comment on a case without knowing the facts,
I don’t understand why you call a grandparent’s home a foster home. If I am not mistaken most decent people consider their grandparents home as their own.
You could give me 100 examples to prove your point, and I can counter with 100 examples of my own. That does not prove anything. You have to decide on a case-by-case basis.

BTW: It really takes time to grow up. You will have your share.
:D :D
Hello everyone..

Hi everybody .. I cant help but read thru all you comments on this thread..
Very interesting responses coming from diffrent people who are in diffrent situations.

Somebody said its outrageous to expect our parents to take care of our kids.
In my case : My Mom is alone in India.. and My son is the only person she thinks about everyday and every night.

Someone also mentioned that the Parents are greedy, if they are thnking of sending their kid(s) back home..
Then what about us ...how many of you brought your Parents here with you ???
Didnt you all leave your old Parents , who cared for you raised you and educated you so that you can support them when they are old.. didnt you just leave them all alone back home so that you can come here and have the American Dream...?? who is greedy now ..

How many of you have seen our kids grow up here in the US ..???
As far as I am concerned I would not have any problem sending my Kid back home so that my Mom can take care of him.. so that he could go to the same school That I went thru and experience the best of both cultures ( Remember India is not the same that we left behind 10 - 12 yrs back ). And I wont do that so that My wife and Myself we can go out and work , but I will do that so my Kid grows up to be a good person , know my culture and get one of the best educations in this world.

In my view, unless the parents are alcoholic or drug addicts or suffer from such serious issues, the kids need to be raised by the parents. If the parents are sending their kids to India because of being financially incompetent, they need to go along with their kids to India.
not greedy

>>Then what about us ...how many of you brought your Parents >>re with you ???
>>Didnt you all leave your old Parents , who cared for you raised >>you and educated you so that you can support them when >>they are old.. didnt you just leave them all alone back home so >>that you can come here and have the American Dream...?? >>who is greedy now ..

I dont agree with this point. many parents also will have dream to send his son to america to get getter and earn better and
go back and support.
I feel it's better to leave the child with grandparents than sending them to day care atleast till they are 1 year. There are many grandparents who would love to see their grand child grow.

As far as working parents are concerned there might be many people who feel its better to have 2 paychecks so that they will be financial stability in future, that they can afford a good house in a decent neighbothood, send them do good universities and not worry about debts.

Many people whose wifes are not working might not agree to this
because anyways they do not have the option of a second paycheck.
It is just like the movie Indecent Proposal where in the husband will give his wife to some other guy just for million dollars.

Many couples will be eager to watch their kid grow and they will be eager to c their kid talking, walking, calling father and mother for the first time.

I do not think even if you get thousands of dollars you should leave this once in a life time joyous moment of your kid.

I do not like the idea of people showing ur pics and telling ur kid that this is ur father and mother.

I think a time will come when people will be some much money minded that taking off from work results in dollara and they may hire surrogate mother to do the same.

Just my opinion.
I do not think any of you guys have the knowledge of leaving kids in India.

I have a close friend and my next door neighbour for the past six years in USA.

He had left his son India so that he and his wife can work on EAD, after they sent their son to India he used to think about his son whether he is walking/ what he is talking etc;.

The parents of my friend used to show the pics of my friend and his wife and tell the boy that they are their actual mom and dad, but the kid could not understand and started calling the grandparents as dad and mom.

After two years he went to bring the kid back to USA but the kid was not ready to accept my firend and his wife as dad and mom and refused to come with them. Forcefully they have got him here now, but even after two months the baby is thinking my friend as a villian and always cries and he even took his baby to a pyschatriast and the doctors advice is if the boy does not show any improvement he needs to send the boy back to India and bring him back only after the boy can understand them.

My friend thinks some one (relatives or friend in India) has brainwashed the baby to see my friend as a bad guy to his child.

He is repenting now. He tells me that bcos of money he has lost all the happiness
Very interesting to read different people's opinions about sending their children away to India to be brought up by grandparents/relatives. Most comments seem to have some sort of justification for sending the kid(s) away- more salary, financial stability, exposure to Indian culture etc. Commendable reasons.

But.... what about those people who say the very same things - raising children here in USA is very expensive, both need to work, need more savings to move into a bigger and better home, AND children need to experience our Indian culture and learn about our heritage and then off they send their babies away to India. They keep in touch with their babies thanks to our modern technology - telephone, internet live chat and home video recordings-- Then one year later produce another set of children out here in USA while the first set is looked after and brought up by Ayahs. What kind of justification is there to this kind of parents?