Leave without pay on H1B


Registered Users (C)
I understand that benching without pay is not permissible. But it is my understanding that an employee can VOLUNTARILY take leave of absence without pay - for say completing some professional certification course.

Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

Thanks ..

Is any kind of leave without pay possible ? I saw some postings which says as long as the employer-employee realtionship is maintained and the employee intends to go back to work after the leave of absencs it is o.k. What happens if one is taken ill and the accrued sick leave is not sufficient to cover the period of illness ?

Basically, trying to find a way for a friend who will not have any assignment from Monday next and his company has told him that he cannot remain with the company any longer ... so out of status and go back to India ?
See, there isn't a list from INS which says these are the acceptable "leave" options without pay.
It all depends on how convincing and genuine the reason is (if you are sick, you can get a letter from the doctor cant you?) and how far the employer is ready to support the cause. It is a risk, even if you have a very genuine/urgent reason.