LEADERSHIP for Backlog Petition


Registered Users (C)
Hi friends,
I am deeply upset with certain postings today, the postings that tried to show me in poor light. I have decided not to take any more active part in the backlog petition effort that was going on in this forum for the past 1 week. Ofcourse i will continue to post my suggestions as any other member here. I request Edison to assume leadership and provide direction and co-ordination for this effort. Ofcourse it's my personal opinion.
I wanted to take a break from this charged atmoshere.
Sorry to know that.
Remember you are dealing with desis. Even though very dangerous and selfish, they will reply and try to help you.
We all will miss you. Your useful thoughts, initiatives and brilliant leadership of freeing us from backlogs will be missed for ever.
We certainly needed some high sophisticated brains out here who could spend at least 50-60 hours a week, browsing this forum and extending a helping hand to the needy.
Bye and take care of your work and family.
come on

don't get personal by the post. Both you and Edison did GREAT work, we all see it and appreciate.
Keep it on, buddy!!!
Please continue the good work

I havent yet read the posts that have hurt you. However I feel that people may not have intentionally written to hurt you. Everyone here is so frustated by the delays that someone may have just vented it out.
I personally feel that you, dengdeng, cinta, edison and many others have an extremely important task on hand and now would not be a good time to lose heart.
Please continue the useful work that you guys have been doing selflessly.
Originally posted by dsatish
Hi friends,
I am deeply upset with certain postings today, the postings that tried to show me in poor light. I have decided not to take any more active part in the backlog petition effort that was going on in this forum for the past 1 week. Ofcourse i will continue to post my suggestions as any other member here. I request Edison to assume leadership and provide direction and co-ordination for this effort. Ofcourse it's my personal opinion.
I wanted to take a break from this charged atmoshere.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Don't get upset. Isn't INS worry enough? Don't worry too much !
dsatish, have a beer and get a good sleep tonight. You have worked hard and got us this far.

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi friends,
I am deeply upset with certain postings today, the postings that tried to show me in poor light.

dsathis: Frankly, even I was surprised by some of the posting today....

Just remember 2 things..

1) Finding fault is the easiest thing one can do.... one can find fault in everything if he wants.

2) People tries to find fault only in them who does something....if you don’t do anything, no one will find fault in you.

This is an open forum and it would be miracle if such things do not happen. So my friend, keep doing what you are doing.....It is not the question of who is taking the leadership but how we achieve our goal...
dsatish - just let us know who these persons are. (dont browse every thread)

There are some rude behavious and hurtful words noticed here off and on. Some of it has to do with people's frustration. Most are just downright deshi's with attitude. (self righteous)

We like your responses and encourage you to keep up to it. Screw the rest.........
Sai you have started the derogatory message. Eventhough there was a silent competition between edison and dsatish about writing petition, it appears that it is for a good cause. We should appreciate them for their prolific work.
Anyway I am happy for everybody that we are writing a petition.
Originally posted by sai-2367
dsatish, have a beer and get a good sleep tonight. You have worked hard and got us this far.


Originally posted by sai-2367
A story to digest during lunch!

A food market had crabs from various countries all stored in different jars. The jars had lids on them to prevent the crabs from escaping. However one jar, had no lid on it. When asked by a passerby about it, the owner said ::"AH! these crabs are from country (X), they cannot escape".
The passerby became curious, and enquired why???
The answer was : Such is the nature of crabs from this country, that when one tries to escape --the others pull him back.

Let it be over


Please don't think that people are not appreciating your contribution to the petition effort. It appears to me that you are still not over the "which is better" thing.

I always like to see a team effort. On this board we are all allies. Now the petitions are in Rajiv's hands. We should support whatever he comes up with.

The main point is to get it out soon. BCIS is sleeping. If we take too long to get a petition out, they may wake up laughing at us.

We should take critics graciously. People criticize the petition letters for good causes.

I am happy that both letters were sent to Rajiv although I never liked the idea of 2 versions (I have liked the 2 to be merged into 1). Let's hope the petition will trigger some actions at BCIS.
Don't be a child! You are doing a favor and in the process this happens. So look forward and ignore the fools who impede progress.
Thanks for all the people who appreciated my efforts. I don't want to explain the details of posts that hurt me because that will throw some dirt on some people, and that's the last thing we want here.
YJay, it is precisely comments like yours in the above post( "It appears to me that you are still not over the which is better" thing") , that hurt me yesterday. I hate people who go for personal attacks. People can attack my post, criticise it, cut it into 1000 pieces, call it a stupid logic etc, but decent people do not make personal comments. I definitely don't care about what people like 1amShantanu say, but i definitely care about what responsible people like you say about me.
I would suggest every one to concentrate on the posts and not on the person. Accept criticism of your post or your letter instead of going for emotional outburst.
Edison and Myself have a lot of similarities (90% match :p). We both have strong will power to take this issue forward, do everything for it, spare a lot of time for it and ofcourse co-ordinate well with others. Since i would like to take a little back seat (spend less hours for the time being), i am asking him to lead this effort. Having one person lead the path actually helps in streamlining the effort. I will continue to make suggestions.
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A good ploy on your part to get some attention

Everybody gets flamed now and then

You are not a child...Dont be moody grow up


As others have already said we are all a team that needs expansion and more ideas. Your efforts are appreciated by all but people have the right to disagree and yet keep on going. If anything has to do with me, I think I replied to you. My critisism was on both versions, but gave some more explanation to yours after it was warranted. Along the same lines, I can also say that I tried to push my ideas more than a couple of times without any reasonable response, and these are the things that could help the whole team and the petition.
I accepted your explanation yesterday. I am not mad at you now.
It's just that yesterday i am at the recieving end of 3 or 4 posts (your first post including) and at the end of the day, i felt a little tired and wanted some rest. It's only to cool down myself and cool down the atmosphere here. I will continue to contribute towards this effort, just as you are doing. Even i might have made mistakes yesterday. Let's just cool down and move forward.