LC through Sprint

Sprint processing GC's again?

Anyone tried to contact DOL to find out why Sprint cases are kept on hold? Did anyone find out anything?

If all the effected people send a petition to DOL requesting to speed up Sprint cases, would it work? Would that be against Sprint policy?

It is worth a shot, but I am hesistant as my lawyer has repeatedly told me not to go directly to the DOL.

My lawyer tells me that she checks up with the DOL each month, but the DOL does not give a straight answer when asked about Sprint cases. Also, since the employer is petitioning the DOL for our cases, it is Sprint who has to request the DOL, not us.
Tough situation ...

I guess you're right, Sprint owns these things technically...but, it's our ass that's burning...

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Kansas congressman Dennis Moore will be meeting with Sprint employees on April 8 (see PinPoint). This may be a good time to inform him of our situation.
Hi! Everyone, I was just wondering if there are any updates with anyone's GC processing? I keep calling Elain Tang inquring about the GC process and if there is any hope, and I keep getting the same reply "wait and watch."
Any luck?


Any luck with meeting the congressman? I was out of the office last week and didn't get a chance to check on this. I am really hoping we get some movement with our cases. I am this close to writing to a Congressman, but didn't want to get folks mad here.

I am clueless as to what I need to do next. I am running out of time and options.

Originally posted by qwertyqwerty
Kansas congressman Dennis Moore will be meeting with Sprint employees on April 8 (see PinPoint). This may be a good time to inform him of our situation.
Immigration Conference Calls

Some of you might have attened the Immigration Conference Call on April 12, 2004 from 2-3 p.m.

Did you feel it helped. I don't think so. The only important info I got is that they consider all cases who Visa is over 4-1/2 years as Critical case. They said they will do something about them. Do you what will they do with Critical cases?

If you missed the call, there is one more on April 14, 2004 from 10-11 a.m CST.

- J
Obviously, I was late to ask the previous question.

Can anyone please give some info about today's conference call?

money back?

If I quit Sprint in the middle of the LC process, do I 'HAVE TO' pay back some amount since we signed the agreement? Are they really holding people for that?

Any experiences? Any idea how much would that be?

Seriously, I'm fed up with this waiting thing!

money back

Hi Kslc,

I left Sprint in December as they had told me a time frame when my job would be over with them.

Later when I went back for my experience letter they made me pay 3000 dollars (labor filing fee) and then gave me my experience letter. Their arguement was that you resigned and we did not let you go (even though they would have in a couple of months) so pay the price.

So good luck...Don't rely on somebody's word take it in writing from Law Department in Sprint.
Re: money back, if you never went back to them, there is a good chance that they may not ask for it?

Anyway...$3000 is somewhat high..but better than being stuck with Sprint!


Originally posted by downinflorida
Hi Kslc,

I left Sprint in December as they had told me a time frame when my job would be over with them.

Later when I went back for my experience letter they made me pay 3000 dollars (labor filing fee) and then gave me my experience letter. Their arguement was that you resigned and we did not let you go (even though they would have in a couple of months) so pay the price.

So good luck...Don't rely on somebody's word take it in writing from Law Department in Sprint.
I think the policy says, if you leave within 2 years of signing the document you need to pay. I have no idea if they are still holding after that.

Its better to double check always...

LC Payback

Its funny you asked, i have been thinking various scenarios myself and here is my train of thougt
It might not appeal to everyone out there!!

Problem is if you want to quit and follow the process, like informing your boss that you are quitting (and possibly looking for a counter offer in case you are disgusted with salary you are making in addition to the gc wait)

Use all your vacation and disappear on the first job offer you get with out telling a soul. best time to do this is right after you get your bonus in march(which i doubt if sprint pays next year)

Most of the managers at sprint don't know great deal about GCs and i don't think Sprint's HR will be chasing you down for the money. If they do, and turn it over to a collection agency, you can negotiate with agency to pay only half the amount, or can get into an agreement to pay $10/month which i doubt if sprint will ever go through that route.

As far as the experience letter, You can get a letter from a co-worker (who can be trusted buddy of yours and happens to work at sprint) in-lieu of an experience letter. I am telling this from my personal experience and was actually suggested by Sprint's appointed lawyer for my LC filing@sprint when my prev employer declined my request for an employment letter. You don't need to pay no stinking $3000 dollars to sprint for experience letter.

Your 401k contributions if any exist might make things complex, as you need to figure out a way to roll that over into another plan like rollover IRA
Call from Lawyer's Office

I just got a call from my lawyer's office and they told me that they are setting up meetings to discuss the DOL issue. So I'll talk to my lawyer next week. Did you guys got any call?
lobor meetings

Did he say if all the lawyers were meeting with Sprint HR or they were meeting Chicago DOL.

Actually my lawyer is meeting with me and I believe with all her clients(employees, not HR) of Sprint to discuss the DOL situation.

Sorry for the confusion.

So, has the meeting happened already? What is the feedback? If it hasn't happened yet, then do you know why?

oronno said:
Actually my lawyer is meeting with me and I believe with all her clients(employees, not HR) of Sprint to discuss the DOL situation.

Sorry for the confusion.

I was scheduled to call my Lawyer's office this Thursday. I'll try to post a reply if I get any new information. Thanks.