LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

guys, please post your action about Monday so we atleast have an approx no.of faxes going out to Ms.Chao

We have the address but does anyone has the fax number?
I would say all of us who ever wants to fax & mail letters to every authority. lets do it on April 3rd.
Remember it is April 3rd and this has to be coordinated to all forums mainly to Dallas BEC and PBEC and same subject has to be used in all the fax's & Mail.

Please cut and post below into all forums with fax number you visit this way it will be coordinated.

We are trying to conduct a nation wide rally of faxes/mail to be sent to Concerned authorities on April 3rd and April 4th, if your Labor is stuck in any of the BEC please send a
- Mail to below address (so that all mail could reach authorities on same week)
- Fax to below number (so that all faxes could reach authorities on same day)

April 3rd and APRIL 4th

Please use same subject in all your faxes, no matter how you want to address your content of the letter. Please try to post matter of this posting to all forums you visit.

Subject: Delay in Foreign Labor Certification application approval process at BECs

DOL Contacts

Ms. Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of Labor
(202) 693-6000

Mr. Paul T. Conway
Chief of Staff
(202) 693-6007

Mr. Steven J. Law
Deputy Secretary
(202) 693-6000

Ms. Ruth D. Knouse
Executive Secretariat Director
(202) 693-6100

Ms. Amy Barrera
Director of Advance & Scheduling
(202) 693-6003

Ms. Laura Genero
Associate Deputy Secretary
(202) 693-6000

Address for all the above people
U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Below is the sample draft:
Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at BECs

I would like to bring it to your attention the delays in LCA approval process at the two BECs, most notably the Philadelphia. I have been waiting for almost 2 years since the commencement of two BECs and have not recieved our apporvals.

Me and my family are suffering constantly due to these delays. Please take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

I would be highly obliged if you look into this matter as soon as possible.

your name
City, State, Zipcode
Case Status:
EB 1/2/3
Philly vs Dallas: a letter

Please send this message to relavent people

subject: bring your attention to some interesting numbers

Hi, Dear Ms. Chao:

I think that you will be very interested in what I will reveal to you in this email.

For Labor Certifcation, there are currently two Backlog Elimination Centers: Dallas & Philadelphia. An online tracker showed some interesting data. The online tracker can be considerred as a survey. Among this sample, 770 cases in Philadelphia and 756 in Dallas (as of March 24, 2006).

The survey showed that Dallas has processed 49.7% (376) of its cases , whereas Philadelphia has only processed 19.5% (150) of its cases. That means that

1) Philadephia works only 39.2% efficient as Dalas (19.5/49.7 = 39.2%).

2) If Dalas can finish its work in 2 years, Philadephia will finish its work in 5.1 years.

That is why on the tracker, you see latest approvals from Philadelphia are 2002 cases, while latest approvals from Dalas are 2004 cases.

If Philadelphia is telling you that they are doing things differently and they will pick up speed later, it is a lie. The reason is sample: both centers have sent out same amount of 45-day letters (Philadelphia sent out 74.3% of its cases and Dallas 71.3%).

I sincerely think that you want to do something about it.

Best regards to you and your family.
Some Goods News - Happy New Year Guys

Registered User Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8

Labor Aprroved


Hi all
Wanted to share the Good News , that my labor got approved.Just few hours back my lawyer conveyed the message.Another labor from my company with PD 2001 also got approved.He also said that many approvals are comming in.Looks like a good sign.Also today is our New Year .What a great way to start a NEW YEAR.I wish each and everyone the same happiness and to getout of this ASAP.Thanks and GoodLuck to all.
NY Approval Mar 8th 2002 EB3 RIR

Registered User Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 14

LC approved


I got a call from my lawyer assistant today. My LC finally approved. More than 4 years wait! It is hard to believe it. Now I will start to prepare doc for the I-140.

Good luck for all of you!
Hopefully this New Year will bless all of us with “labor approved” news

Prio date July 2002

saknia said:
Registered User Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8

Labor Aprroved


Hi all
Wanted to share the Good News , that my labor got approved.Just few hours back my lawyer conveyed the message.Another labor from my company with PD 2001 also got approved.He also said that many approvals are comming in.Looks like a good sign.Also today is our New Year .What a great way to start a NEW YEAR.I wish each and everyone the same happiness and to getout of this ASAP.Thanks and GoodLuck to all.
NY Feb 2002 approval ( name not known)

Registered User Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 70

One of my friend's labor has been approved


I just came to know that my friend's labor has been approved. Attorney's office called today to communicate. Do not know the date when it was certified. Please find the case details below

Priority Date: 02/28/2002
Category: EB3 Regular
State: NY
BEC: Philadelphia
45 Days letter Received & Replied : 01/27/2006
PLEASE POST BELOW ON EVERY website and different forums within a website (murthy/immigrationportal/etc) YOU VISIT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We are trying to conduct a nation wide rally of faxes/mail to be sent to Concerned authorities on April 3rd and April 4th, if your Labor is stuck in any of the BEC please send a
- Mail to below address (so that all mail could reach authorities on same week)
- Fax to below number (so that all faxes could reach authorities on same day)

Dates: April 3rd (preferable) and APRIL 4th (if you forget)

Please use same subject in all your faxes, no matter how you want to address your content of the letter. Please try to post matter of this posting to all forums you visit.

Subject: Delay in Foreign Labor Certification application approval process at BECs

WE ARE NOT VOTING ON WETHER WE WANT TO FAX or MAIL.. I would say lets do both. IF you prefer Fax send a Fax(if you get the number please provide us the fax number too), if you prefer Mail send a mail. I recommend BOTH ways.

DOL Contacts

Ms. Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of Labor
(202) 693-6000

Mr. Paul T. Conway
Chief of Staff
(202) 693-6007

Mr. Steven J. Law
Deputy Secretary
(202) 693-6000

Ms. Ruth D. Knouse
Executive Secretariat Director
(202) 693-6100

Ms. Amy Barrera
Director of Advance & Scheduling
(202) 693-6003

Ms. Laura Genero
Associate Deputy Secretary
(202) 693-6000

Address for all the above people
U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Subject: 20/20
Subject: Primetime
Subject: THIS WEEK

7 WEST 66th Street,
New York, NY 10023.


NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10112


One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, N.J. 07094


48 hours,
524 W. 57th St.,
New York, NY, 10019

60 minutes,
524 W. 57th St.,
New York, NY, 10019


Department of Labor
Stephen Stefanko - Certification Manager
ETA- Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor Certification
1 Belmont Avenue, Suite 220
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

FAX: (484) 270-1600

Department of Labor
John Barlett - Certification Manager
ETA - Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor
700 North Pearl St., Suite 400N
Dallas, Texas 75201

FAX: (214) 237-9135

William Carlson - Chief Director
200 Constitution Avenue, NW Room C4312
Washington, DC 20210

FAX: (202) 693-2768

Below is the sample draft:
Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at BECs

I would like to bring it to your attention the delays in LCA approval process at the two BECs, most notably the Philadelphia. I have been waiting for almost 2 years since the commencement of two BECs and have not recieved our apporvals.

Me and my family are suffering constantly due to these delays. Please take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

I would be highly obliged if you look into this matter as soon as possible.

your name
City, State, Zipcode
Case Status:
CA July 5 2002 approval

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 17

July 5, 2002 CA Labor Approved !!!!


Hi Guys,
Finally I received my approvel today. I just received letter from my HR. The approvel date is 29th March.

Thank you all gurus here to provide the valuable information. Also because of this forum I know more about LC than my lawyer. Good luck to all of you and see you soon in next step forum.
My detail are in my signeture.

Question to GURUS.
1. Can I file both I-140 and 485 togather ?...the retro date is till June 2002 for EB2.

Thanks and Good luck all
NY May 2002 EB3 RIR

4th April 2006, 11:49 AM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 80

Another NY Approval in my company


My colleague got his Labor certified today. Attorney sent him a mail today.

P.D Date: May 2002
State: NY
Category: EB3 RIR
45 Days letter: March 15 2005
Labor Approved: April 03 2005
NY March 2002 approval

Registered User Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 42

Labor Certification Approved.


My HR called to say that my Labor Certification has been approved.
Thanks to everybody in this forum, who had helped my through this nightmare.
Special thanks to JustWatching, for his insight and effort during this period.

I will never be the same again. These four years of insight into how an organization (the people in them) can be so inefficient, unjust, apathetic and stupid.

Anyway, good luck for all of you who are waiting patiently for your Labor approval. I hope all of you get your Labors approved soon.

PD: March 19th 2002 (Please correct the tracker from Jan 20)
Software Engineer.
ETA Case #: P-05129-99XXX
45 Day Letter: January 5th 2006
45 Day Reply: January 19th 2006
Labor Approval: March 28th 2006
VA28th Nov 2001 Approval

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 10

LC Approved


After 4.5 years, my LC finally got approved today.

I don't wish this process on the worst of my enemies and truly pray for those who are waiting to get a speedy approval.

Please update my info in the tracker.

This forum has been a very useful source of information for me.

Details below

> Priority Date - 11/28/2001
> Applied in Virginia;
> Application Forwarded by VA to Phil DOL on 06/2004
> Case Received at the Philadelphia Backlog Center - 10/12/2004
> Case #P-04286-XXXXX
> Case Source : Regional
> 45-day letter received 02/2005, replied on 03/01/2005
NY Dec 2001 Approval

Registered User Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 181

PBEC approval


My friend's labor at PBEC has been approved. Here is all I know:

State: NY
PD: Dec.2001
NY July5 2002 approval RIR EB3

Registered User Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 17

Labor certified


Very happy to inform everyone that my labor is certified.
My employer got the approval letter today.

PD: July 05, 2002
45 day letter recd on June 13, 2005
replied next day.
Labor approved: March 29, 2006

This forum has been a great support. Thanks everyone.
NY March 11 2002 EB2 RIR approval

Registered User Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 4

Cheers ! My labor is approved!


My labor finally got approval after 4.1 years of waiting .

RIR , EB2 , NY
PD : 03/11/2002
45 days letter rec'd : Jan 23 2006
45 days letter replied: Jan 23 2006
Labor Approved : March 21 , 2006

Applying for rest of the steps . Can anybody let me know if I should apply for advance Payrole .Or if I can use my H1B or later H1B 7th year extentions to travel out side US. Is there any disadvantages If I apply I131 , while I am maintaining my H1B.
CA EB2 RIR July 17 2002 approval

#12436 10th April 2006, 02:59 PM
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 5

Labor certified - CA labor PD July 2002

I would like to share this good news with everyone. I just received the Labor certification notice to my home address (it's dated April 4th).
My case details are attached in my signature.
Hope everyone gets out of this PBEC asap.

PD : JUL-17-2002
RD : JUN-06-2003
Case No.: P-04308-3XXXX
45 Day Letter replied on March 2005
NJ July 2002 approval

#12440 10th April 2006, 03:38 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 39

Labor Approved

Guys, this is a good day . Just got an email from my lawyer that my labor has been approved. Someone please let the guys who maintain the tracker about this.
For over three years I looged into this site everyday. You guys are the best !!!

Congratulations to CAPDJUL2002
CA July 2002 approval EB2 RIR

10th April 2006, 06:32 PM
Registered User Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 4

another july 2002 approval


Hi there,
i got approved today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am really happy, here are my details.
good luck to everyone else and thanks for all the input...
PD 07/19/2002
case no P-04308-****
case source= region
Another CA July 2002 RIR EB2 approval


Origianally posted by ho_jayega:
Hi Guys,
Finally I received my approvel today. I just received letter from my HR. The approvel date is 29th March.

Thank you all gurus here to provide the valuable information. Also because of this forum I know more about LC than my lawyer. Good luck to all of you and see you soon in next step forum.
My detail are in my signeture.

Question to GURUS.
1. Can I file both I-140 and 485 togather ?...the retro date is till June 2002 for EB2.

Thanks and Good luck all
PD: 5 July 2002
RD: Mar 2003
45-Day Letter: Mar 14 2005
PBEC Number: P-04320-025**
Certfied Date: 03/29/2006