Layoff the Phonecalls to VSC

Adrian Melck

New Member
The number of postings where people describe how they phone 3 or 4 times
a week to see how their case is doing pisses me off. You are slowing
it up for all of us. Call your lawyer 10 times a day I don\'t care, but
when you take an INS worker who could be processing my file away from
the work we want to be doing I get pissed off.
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Don\'t fight please. Though you are right, it looks like that you are self-centered and you are trying to scold other people because your file is not being processed.

If you are really fustrated, use your energy in supporting proper legislations and get your voice heard through senators. No need to shout here.
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The number of postings where people describe how they phone 3 or 4 times a week to see how their case is doing pisses
   me off. You are slowing it up for all of us. Call your lawyer 10 times a day I don\'t care, but when you take an INS worker
   who could be processing my file away from the work we want to be doing I get pissed off.

Don\'t worry. I have heard (from a source) that the VSC folks don\'t like people pestering them needlessly,
and take negative action (in the form of a useless RFE, for instance) against those people.

You will see that a lot of the approvals are from people who say "never called VSC". There is a reason for that.

Don\'t worry about VSC; they have been doing this for years, and can fully take care of themselves. I pity the poor
guy (or gal) who pisses them off!
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Those people who call 3 or 4 times a week probably already got what they deserve - anxiety, stress, etc. While they\'ve got their heads stuck up their a***s monitoring every little move about their cases and agonizing over whether they will get the approval letter first before the phone message changes, the rest of us are getting on with our lives.
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I understand your emotions (I am a long time waiter myself). But does anybody know if IIO do anything else other than answering phones (afterall they are "immigration Info. officers" and not processing clerks or officers. Eg. If you call your office 50 times a day you are pissing the front desk clerk but wont do anything to disturb the engineer or the managers who do the actual work.

so chill (evadi verri vaadiki anandamu roughly translates to "What ever turns you on ...." if it is speaking w/ IIOs so be it).