layoff Benefits


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Pls do not attack me...

I learned from one of my American colleague that they get 60% of last salary for 26 weeks once they are laid off (it starts 2 weeks after lay off)..

do any of you have AUTHENTICATED info on:

1. If we get GC , are we eligible for ALL the benfits that US citizen get?


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That is not true.. it is an unemployment benefit that all citizens and GC holders are eligible. I wouldn\'t recommend using it unless you absolutely have to though.
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For Bhanu,

Can u pls let me know why discourage to use it?
is GC holder eligible for ALL or some benefits?

ANy useful site that give this AUTHENTICATED news?


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Bhanu, Why are you discouraging to use the unemployment benefit? If anyone knows how it works, I would be very glad to know that
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I think it is discouraged because this is one of the issues that might be looked at during naturalization. My personal opinion is that one should not become a ward of the state unless really necessary i.e due to disability. I think this country offers jobs of every kind and there is dignity of labor. I know several friends of mine who waited tables during their student life and now earn more than 100-120 K.
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If we are paying the taxes and social security like any other citizens, and since we are subjected to all other rules, regulations and tax terms, why in the world should we not claim this unemployment benefit..Does any one know how it works..

I think we have a right to pursue it, however we need to be clear on how this works.
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These are the following reasons why I think it should be used in emergencies:

1. You can use 26 weeks for your entire life... so when you have the skills and the age that you can job soon why use that benefit?
2. While applying for naturalization, the fact u used public benefit may affect negatively on you.
3. It\'s not that easy to get the employment benefit as you have to show documentation that you were rejected for employment and hence you have to depend on the public fund..
4. I was told by people hwo applied for it that it doesn\'t fit the professional category to stand in the unemployment line for few days to eventually get the benefit. If you put the same effort and time, you could probably get a wonderful job or atleast a job that pays you more that the unemployment peanuts. But despite arduous efforts you don\'t land yourself a job then you have no choice but to stand on the unemployment line.
5. Once you get unemployment benefit, the credit rating may also be affected which will eventually affect getting loans for house etc.
6. There may be days ahead when you have to literally depend on this benefit but if you have used it up prior to that then you should look into other sources of income..

So, if you still think its worth it, then the unemployment benefit is for YOU.

Hope this helps
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We are talking about unemployment insurance benefit, not warefare, I think we can claim this benefit, I will talk to the person who work for NJ state department of labor, division of unemployment on July 10th, see what they say, will let you guys know the result.
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Hi Rick123,
   I think there should be no problem taking State Unemployment Insurance. SUI is paid for by employer and when you do not get a job you are claiming for this. In states like NY, NJ the employee also pays for this. I think we are all eligible for this once we get our GC. I think it will not be a problem for citizenship but dont quote me on it.

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Bhanu, You are misleading people with false information. A person with Alien registration number i.e Green Card Holder or EAD holder also can file for umemployment benefits. If you are primary green card applicant, you obviously cannot apply for umemployment benefits as your green card is dependant on you having a job. But a dependant green card applicant who\'s been working for last ??? quarters can apply for them. There is no connection between getting unemployment benefits and your credit report. Also it is false that you get these benefits for only 26 weeks in your lifetime. You are eligible for these benefits after you have worked for some number of quarters and got laid off, not fired or resigned but laid-off. For more information, you should check out your state\'s Department of Labour\'s website.
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It is Labor Department or even if u talk to your HR folks you can get this information. There is nothing wrong in collecting this since it is paid for by the company on ur behalf.
My question to u folks is does the time we work under H-1 count for eligiblity for this benefit.
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yes , time worked using a H1b visa is counted. I believe you should work for 40 quarters to get those benefits.That takes
 10 years.
My guess is that a certain percentage of H1b/GC holders go back home after a period of time ( say 10/20 years ) and
they wont claim any benefits from the govt.So effectively the US govt gains on a lot( $$$$).

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Any person who has an EAD or has a GC and has been laid-off and has not found a job can file for un-employment benefit. It has nothing to do with the state or federal govt. This insurance is covered by your current employer and all employees are insured.

The benefits though depend on state to state.
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My attoney said if the nature of the money is entitlement, not public assistance, it should be O.K., anybody has any idea what kind of money is this unemployment benefit?
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Believe it or not
I have a friend who claimed unemployment for 2 months when he was on bench,no gc Yet, working on EAD,he had to provide his A# from the EAD card ,As per him they denied unemployment benifit for another person standing in the same q ahead of him who was working with h1 status,without EAD.