Lay Off one month after GC stamping


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I got my GC stamped last week , but now do to some economic problems my Employer is laying me off.
Emploer say they r satisfied with my performance but they have no project so they cannot afford me. They are ready to give me Termination Letter.

My company however says if u want u can split the pay check for get pay stubs for one month more and u can show u worked for two months after getting GC.(But in that case I will not get my paid vacation that is nearly 15 days pay because next year they will carry only 5 days)

Can anybody suggest what should I do? Should I take my termination letter after one month and

What will happen to my Green Card & later Citizenship?
Hai Joef,
Very happy to come back to you for help again. I have received several advices from you even before reaching the US. You might not remember me , but we are really grateful to you for all your advices. Today again I am back to you for your valuable advice. I came over employment based greencard ( Registered Nurse) 8 months before and have been working with my employer since then. But my employer was not fair in any dealing including paystubs . I have a 2yr contract with this employer and as per which I am not allowed to resign , but can leave the job if they terminate me. And now I have reached a stage where they are about to terminate me. So if they terminate me will I have problems in finding another job due to the reference .
Hai Joef,
Many Many Thanks for your fast response. It was now that I came to know about the possible invalidity of my contract. I would meet a lawyer , but will they charge too much ? I am totally ignorant of all these & sorry to bother you . In my contract actually it's not written that I should not resign. But as I have signed a two years contract ,I was afraid , if they might demand for any compensation for my resignation. My actual problem is , they have deducted more than what was told in the contract as the agent fee for applying for my greencard. As they are not returning that amount back I had to tell them that I won't be coming for duty till they give it back. So as per the US labor law what disciplinary action they could take if I did'nt appear for the duty? Please help me to get a clarification
Hai Joef,
Thanks for your valuable advice. We have scheduled an appointment with a city lawyer. So let us see what he has to say. If I can give my resignation , I will do that .
Thanks again
Hai Joef,
We went to attorney today & he stated that such an employment contract has no value . The main reason is that we signed the contract when we were in India , & another fact is it is illegal to bind any one with such a contract without giving them the freedom to resign. So as per his advice we submitted our resignation today . A great RELIEF !!! Thanks for all your advices. This facts might be helpful for you in the future when some one as me comes to you for advice in the similar situation . Once again thanks:) :)