lawyer fee for filling out I-129 renewals


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Hello, I need help with renewing my I-129 through mail. Can someone recommend me an attorney that can help me out with? Also please quote the fee you paid, as the ones I've looked all charge upwards of $1200- is that normal?
If your company doesn't have its own lawyer, they should simply consider doing it themselves, or even let you do it, with their input. It is not complicated.

Otherwise let them look for an attorney.
nelson, i work as a Management Consultant through a recruiter in NY. The recruiter is willing to extend my contract provide I pay for any legal fees and keep getting him the business (that's capitalism at it's best I suppose!)

anyways, my questions for the group are:

1) Will I be better off renewing MC title TN via mail than at POE? Going to the POE, for whatever reason, makes me very nervous and I like to avoid that if I can.

2) As far as what the VSC does, do you know what they check for? have you heard of them calling your employers? My worry is most of the employers I've worked for don't know the details of what an MC does, so they may give the wrong info. Do I need to prep my recruiter in exactly what I do so he doesn't screw up?

3) And last, can you think of any advantages/ disadvantages to getting a lawyer fill out the I-129? I have seen some coworker’s I-129 renewal forms which I can use as a template and they look pretty straight forward to me.
Seems to me you would be better off ditching your recruiter -- get TNs with your clients rather than the recruiter -- but I digress.
3. Unless you can't spell, and your lawyer can, I see no need to use a lawyer for a renewal of a TN. $1000 kept in your pocket.
How hard can this be? I've done about six renewals by mail. And no, they don't call your employer. They just want to see clean paperwork. Just fill in the form and send in the evidence required. If you do it online, it's pretty easy and quick.
I have no clue what you would pay a lawyer for unless you can't read or write English - which means there's a bigger problem.